Chapter 1: No More Drama, Right, Guys?

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"...Yeah, exactly. See, Bottle, you understand-" Donut looked away for a brief moment, and noticed that there was a huge pile of forks nearby. He watched in confusion as Yellow Face added one more fork to the pile.

"Yellow Face, what is th-"

"THEY'RE FORKS!" Yellow Face was quick to interrupt Donut, as if Donut wasn't able to see that they were in fact forks. Donut blinked, before deciding to ask a less vague question.

"Yeah, but what for?"

Before Yellow Face could give an answer, Gelatin ran over and grabbed two forks from the pile, before carefully adding them to a large structure of forks that he and Puffball had been making. It was so big, Donut was surprised that it had taken him so long to notice it. Then again, Gelatin was the type of person where you couldn't look away from him for a single second, without it resulting in him causing some sort of trouble. Donut had learned that the hard way.

"That's a very large stack of forks, Gelatin!" Bottle exclaimed, making Gelatin beam with pride. Bottle tended to get along with the younger objects pretty easily, due to her hyper and upbeat nature. As far as anyone else was concerned, she was practically one of the kids herself.

Donut was so focused on Bottle and Gelatin, that he was caught off guard by Bell knocking over the fork stack and yelling in excitement as the forks all came toppling down with a loud crash. Donut couldn't help but smile to himself as he watched Gelatin, Puffball, and Bell laughing together and having fun. He had a tendency to worry about Gelatin, either for Gelatin's well-being, or for the well-being of the people around him, but he seemed to be doing just fine. The lime-flavored troublemaker would always tease Donut and accuse him of acting like he was his dad, but Donut didn't really see that as an insult. In fact, he didn't mind the idea of being Gelatin's parent at all. And lately, he had been wondering if even Gelatin minded it.

"Donut, you respect me, right?" Donut looked up to see that Barf Bag had walked over to him.

"Yeah, of course I do." He replied, as she sat next to him. "Ugh, finally!" She said, exasperatedly. "The only other person who respects me right now is Spongey! Is there something about me that makes me hard to respect, or something?"

"Not that I can think of." Donut responded. "I think everyone else just has a hard time listening to other people. Sometimes I feel like no one respects me, either."

"I respect you." Barf Bag replied, smiling reassuringly. Donut couldn't help but return the smile; he enjoyed being able to just talk to her normally, without all the craziness of a competition. Competing on BFDIA had been fun, and he enjoyed telling Barf Bag stories about the crazy things that had happened while he was a part of it, but it was nice for all the competition stuff to be over and just everything be nice and calm for once.


Well, as calm as things could be when 90% of the people Donut knew were practically crazy.

Still, he was happy that things were slightly less hectic now. No contests, no drama, no eliminations, just everyone hanging out and having fun. Watching movies and shows together, eating together, playing games together, just being normal. He hoped it could stay like that forever.

"Something on your mind?" Barf Bag asked, having not looked away from Donut's eyes. The two of them had grown closer during their time in the LOL/TLC together, as well as after the events of BFDIA, and although they weren't quite best friends status yet, they still felt pretty happy with each other and enjoyed each other's company.

"I'm just really happy with the way things are right now." He replied. "I thought being a part of a competition would be fun, and it was sometimes, but it also got pretty stressful. I couldn't really keep up after a while, which I guess is what got me in last place." He laughed awkwardly.

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