episode 11

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After returning to her world, Yeon-joo runs to the hospital's supply room and starts gathering the things she needs to treat Kang Chul's bullet wound. She races to Dad's workshop, but the gate is swung open, and no one answers when she calls out for Dad or Su-bong.

She checks Dad's office, where he's alone and sitting with his back to her at his desk, appearing to be resting. Yeon-joo breathes a sigh of relief and asks why he changed the happy ending and killed characters and framed Kang Chul for murder, and pleads with him to just let Chul be happy now.

But there's no response from Dad. Aiee, I already know what he looks like but I'm still scared. She calls out to him over and over and cautiously walks around the desk to approach him. She pauses for a moment at the torn-up copy of Goya's Saturn Devouring His Son, and then slowly cranes her neck to look at Dad's face...

But he has no face, and Yeon-joo runs out of the house screaming like she's seen a monster. Oh no, she dropped her bag of medical supplies in the process!

At the same time, Su-bong blasts into Yeon-joo's office at the hospital, looking shell-shocked. Yeon-joo calls him and asks what happened to Dad, and Su-bong can only stammer, "You saw...? Teacher's face is gone! His eyes are gone, and his nose is gone, and his mouth is gone!" Yes, Su-bong, we all saw and now we can't un-see.

As he tells Yeon-joo what happened earlier that night, we see it in flashback: Su-bong woke up from his fainting spell, to see Dad drawing at his desk. It was almost as if he were possessed, drawing according to commands from New-Face Killer, whose voice was instructing him to draw Ajusshi's death in the manhwa.

Su-bong screamed all over again and crawled out of there on his hands and knees, but Dad didn't even seem to notice, and kept drawing like a brain-dead drone. Gack, so New-Face really DOES control Dad? Well what the hell do we do now?

Back in the present, Su-bong stutters as he says that Dad was drawing like mad according to instructions, and Yeon-joo gasps and says, "You mean Dad drew that at the culprit's command?" Su-bong starts to cry as he shouts, "I... I... I don't... I was just so scared!" Aw, buddy.

Yeon-joo says she has to get back to the manhwa world to save Kang Chul, but Su-bong argues that she'll die first, and that Dad isn't Dad anymore.

He yells at her to run and lock the door behind her, not noticing that Seok-bum and the nurse have overheard his entire crazypants conversation with Yeon-joo. Su-bong yelps when they walk up to him, but then he immediately runs into Seok-bum's arms and cries, "I'm so scared!" Thank goodness he finally got that hug. He needed it.

Yeon-joo must have balls of steel, because she ignores Su-bong's warning and goes back inside. She slowly creeps into Dad's office and tiptoes over to his desk. She's going for the one thing that can save them all-Dad's tablet-and starts to carefully reach for it without disturbing him...

But as soon as she puts her hands on it, Dad's hand clamps down on hers. Ack! And then he turns no-face-forward and lunges at her. Aaaaaaaaaaaack! All we hear are Yeon-joo's screams from the hallway and the sounds of a horrific struggle inside. This is terrifying.

In the manhwa world, police officers are crawling all over Kang Chul's penthouse, boxing up anything that can be used as evidence against him. They find a gun under his pillow, of course, and they make So-hee open up the safe and tell Do-yoon that he'll have to be questioned as an accessory.

Do-yoon is alarmed when he overhears the cops reporting that they've found Chul on a traffic camera and are close to finding him. They set up roadblocks near the area, and two officers pull up to the hotel where Yeon-joo left Kang Chul still bleeding on the bed.

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