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Xystentæl: (yis-ten-tale)

A far away galaxy that consists of planets as our very own Milky Way does. The eight planets are as followed:

-The closest to the sun & the hottest is Gerenel. (jay-ren-elle) Much like our Milky Way's Mercury, it's very inhabitable. Although, some creatures have adapted to it's searing weather. It never rains, nor snows, and is much like a desert. These inhabitants are Drækin/Drakin. (dray-kin/drah-kin) Or, as we, humans would call them: dragons. These Drækin are the only inhabitants that can survive the blazing heat. This species is much more "human" like. They come in all types of forms; such as two footed, three footed, etcetera. They may have wings, horns, tails, you name it, there's a form. Each visitor to this planet also adapt. They grow their own form of Drækin/Drakin. Drækin are the adults, and Drakin are the children.

-The second closest to the sun would be Wuiteran. (wheat-er-an) This planet would be our Milky Way's Venus. Also very hot, but not as scalding at Gerenel. This planet is also very inhabitable, but also has it's own inhabitants. Said inhabitants are called Meran. (Meer-an) Or, rather, mer-people. This is a very 'tropical' island, mainly filled with ocean. There are bits of land for when other races visit, but to fit the planets ecosystem & temperature, most just form into a Meran.

- The third planet from the sun, our Earth, is called Orentq. (Ore-en-tick) Much like our Earth, it's very habitable and many things live here since it's so hospitable. This planet has their own species are well. These are called Giaenti(gee-ehn-tea), Hoven(ho-ven), and Otomori(oh-toh-more-e). (Goblin, Hobgoblin, and Orc) These beings are cavernous, and have both civilized and feral parts. Giaenti are the feral, whilst the Hoven and Otomori are the civilized. The Hoven sometimes take watch so no Giaenti wander where they shouldn't be and stay in their areas.

-The fourth planet from the sun is Twetanr. (Twee-tan-er) It's a bit less habitable than Orentq is, but still pretty warm/cool during the seasons. This planet (like the others) have a species called Fyrnre. (Fern-ray) It's a very forested place, as the Fyrnre like to be in closed spaces and not in the open.

-The fifth planet is Kayien. (Kay-en) The species that inhabits this place are called Phedross. Or, ghosts, phantoms, whatever you want to call them. That's what inhabits here. It's almost like a barren wasteland. Every time a being dies on Earth, this is where they go. On Kayien. As well as other beings. Such as but not limited to; Drakins, Drækins, Fyrnre, Meran.

-The sixth planet is called Yuokœl. (Yew-oh-coal) This is where the Lylitra (Lil-ee-trah) live. They are (as well known to us) werewolves. This place is very mountainous, as the Lylitra like to live in packs lile wolves and other territorial animals do.

-The seventh planet is Yndriktil. (Yin-drick-till) Deoms (Day-oms (homes but without the h)) live here. Their entire world is colorless. Except Deom eyes. Visit here, and all you'll see is a rainbow of colorful eyes. (explained more as to why in their kingdoms)

-The eighth and final planet is named Aentire. (Aye-ehn-tire(like a car tire)) This place is filled with Vanpers, or, vampires. Picture a savanna wasteland with a little more trees & more green grass than the dry, brown grass you'd normally see in a savanna. Another way to describe it is a jungle but not jungle-y.

 Another way to describe it is a jungle but not jungle-y

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