Acceptance (edited)

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Chapter 2

After several long weeks, I'm able to take my wedding band off without feeling some type of guilt and pain in my chest.

I have divorce court later today so I'm spending the morning with my daughter Tina. She looks exactly like me but has her father's green eyes. She is about half my height already.

Tina wanted to go to the museum for kids. The place is pretty amazing. You can learn about the water system, cars, building stuff, etc. Tina loves this place. She always wants to come here.

"Mommy, Mommy!" Tina yells as she comes running over to me smiling.

I smile back at her "Yes baby?"

"I found daddy and Kim." Tina says smiling up at me.

"I see baby. Now go play where I can see you while I talk to daddy and Kim." I explain to her as I try to keep a smile on my face.

I wait till Tina is far enough away to talk to Chris and Kim. "You're supposed to call first Chris if you want to see Tina. Plus I don't see why you come when Kim spends more time with her than you do when she's with you. I'm not stupid Chris."

"I know but I wanted to come to tell you myself before your lawyer and the judge tells you that I agreed to give you full custody along as I get visitation on weekends." Chris explains to me as he hands me some paperwork.

"Okay, but what is this?" I ask confused

"Oh, that is the paperwork for the house that you were looking at for flipping." Chris explains as he continues typing on his phone.

"Thanks, but you could have just dropped it off at my office. But I'm guessing you wanted to see Tina before I dropped her off to my parents." I tell her as I walk over to get Tina so that we can leave.

"Yes, I need an excuse to come see Tina. But we have to get going now. Kim has an appointment with the doctor. We'll see you in court Molly." Chris says kissing Tina on the head goodbye before leaving with Kim. She's about 4 months pregnant now twin girls.

I don't hold any ill feelings towards Kim since she's the one that found me and apologized for Chris's stupid behavior after he confessed to her that he left his family for her. When I tell you that she was heated when he told her that she up and left him to find me.

We spent a couple of hours talking before Chris came by the house in tears that he couldn't find Kim anywhere only to find her at the house with me.

"Come, Tina, we have to go to mom moms and pop pops house." I tell her as I take her hand walking out to the car.

"Then we get to go on our trip with auntie?" Tina asks well I'm strapping her into the car seat.

"Yes, baby but first mommy has to get things done at work and with daddy then we'll be all set to go." I explained to her as I drive to my parent's place. The rest of the way was quiet and a quick drive since there was no traffic, to begin with.

When we get to my parents my father comes running out the front door to the car smiling.

"Molly dear, you should come by more with Tina. We miss you both." My father says as he takes Tina out of the car.

"I know we will after we get back from our trip." I say to my father. I'll be a free woman.

"Okay, okay let's get princess Tina in the house for some chocolate milk and cookies." My father says as he leads Tina into the house. I watch from the driver's seat feeling my heart hurt a little knowing Tina will ask questions about what happened later on between me and her father. Tina is smart for her age so it won't take long for her to ask or figure things out.

I finally get out of the car making it into the house kissing my mother on the cheek hi.

"Dear smile, soon you'll be on a beach soaking up the sun while Tina makes sand castles." My mother says as she hugs me.

"I know but I'm leaving now. But he came to tell me personally that he is giving me full custody of Tina and that he only wants visitations on weekends." I tell my parents as I walk over to Tina.

"That's just way too easy. He is up to something dear. So be careful please." My mother tells me.

"I will mom. I love you, baby. Be good for mom-mom and pop pop. I'll be back later to pick you up."

"Mommy, can I have a sleepover over with mommom and pop pop please?" Tina asks with pleading eyes knowing I won't tell her no.

"Only if they are okay with it." I tell her as I look over at my parents. They nod yes eagerly.

"Okay fine. I'll be here in the morning to get you because we have a long flight tomorrow. I love you."

"I love you too mommy. Have some fun tonight." Tina tells me as I walk to the front door to leave. This kid is smarter than she leads on for sure.

I get to the court a little early before everyone. I'll be glad once this is all over and I can start fresh.

After some time the lawyers, Chris and Kim show up. Someone shows all of us into a small courtroom to wait for the judge.

'All rise' The security guy says as the judge comes into the court.

"You might be seated. Now I've reviewed everything. In all my years this is the cleanest divorce I've seen in years." The judge says

"As I was saying Ms. Dell only wants the house and full custody of the child. Am I correct?" The question is directed at my lawyer.

"Yes, your honor that is all my client asked for." My lawyer answer.

"No ejection from the opposing side?" The judge questions Chris's lawyer.

"No your honor. My client has informed me that he will pay the alimony to Ms. Dell as well." Chris's lawyer explains

"Okay, I am finalizing this all in my notes. Ms. Dell, you are a single woman now. I will be giving you everything your lawyer needs in a few days. Enjoy your weekend." The judge explains

"Thank you again for doing this. I appreciate it, Rosa. We definitely need to grab drinks soon." I tell Rosa, my lawyer.

"Definitely now that this is over with. I'm just glad we were able to get all this done before your trip." Rosa tells me as we walk out to our cars. We say our goodbyes as we get into our cars.

'Finally' I think to myself. This is just a new start for me and Tina.

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