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15 Years Ago

Kara and Lena are sitting in Kara's room after a long day at school. The two teens are sitting on the floor with their backs against Kara's bed. All their textbooks are sprawled across the ground.

"Lena, you know I love you right?" Kara says as she looks over to Lena.

"Mmhmm. I do!" Lena says as she smiles at her girlfriend sitting next to her. "I love you too." She says as she leans in to kiss Kara.

Kara broke the kiss after a minute to say, "I can't believe we have been together for 4 years already."

They put their foreheads against each other and Lena said, "I know right!"

In grade 7 when Kara transferred to the school, Lena was the first person to become her friend. They got close fast and spent every minute together. When grade 8 hit, Kara told Lena how she felt about her and the rest was history.

"Okay we should really get back to studying though." Lena says as she gives Kara a kiss.

They had their grade 11 finals coming up and kept pushing off studying.

"Fiiiiine!" Kara said dramatically as she flopped down onto Lena's lap.

Lena laughed at this and started playing with Kara's hair.

Kara rolled over onto her back and looked up at her girlfriend with a grin.

*knock knock knock*

Kara scrambled up and grabbed a pencil before yelling, "Come in!!"

"Hi girls, is Lena staying the night?" Eliza asked as she peaked her head in through the doorway.

"I actually can't tonight Mrs. Danvers." I've got to go home. My parents told us they have some big news the share."

"Lena. I've told you many times already, call me Eliza! And sounds good hun. I'll be making French toast tomorrow morning if you are going to pop by." Eliza replied.

"You know thats my favourite! Of course I'll come by." Lena said with excitement.

"Okay see you then sweety." Eliza said before closing the door.

"God I love your mom." Lena said with a sigh. Lena looked at her watch and started standing up while saying, "I should probably be heading home. Mom and dad still wanna talk about something."

"Okayyyy." Kara replied as she started to pack away the textbooks.

When Lena had all her stuff collected, Kara stood up.

Kara wrapped her hands around Lena's neck and pulled Lena in for a kiss.

"I wish I never have to leave." Lena said as she broke the kiss.

"Me too."

The two girls walked to the front door and Kara said bye as Lena left.

"Call me when your home so I know you made it!" Kara yelled as Lena got in her car to drive away.

Lena replied by flashing a big smile and blowing an exaggerated kiss through the air.

Kara closed the door and sat down on the couch next to Alex who was watching Jeopardy on the TV.

"Jeopardy? Really?" Kara said as she lent her head against her sister's shoulder.

"It was the only thing that was on." Alex replied as she passed the bowl of popcorn to Kara.

About 10 minutes later, the phone rang and Kara got up and walked over to the landline to answer it.


"Hi Kara it's me. Made it home! See you tomorrow." Lena replied, which made Kara smile as soon as she heard her girlfriends voice.

"Okay see you tomorrow, goodnight."


Kara hung up the phone and walked back to the couch.

"Lena?" Alex said monotonously as she slowly fed herself popcorn with her feet propped up on the coffee table.

"Yup. Just letting me know she made it safe."

"You guys are so weird." Alex said as she glimpsed over to Kara.

Kara gave Alex a punch in the shoulder before grabbing the popcorn from her.

When the show finished, Kara went to bed and thought about what the big news Lena was finding out was.

When the next morning came, she was awoken to the feeling of Lena sitting down at the end of her bed.

"Lena?" Kara said groggily as she sat up and rubbing her eyes.

"Your mom let me in." Lena said.

"Whats wrong?" Kara replied as she noticed the hint of pain in her voice. Kara adjusted herself so she was sitting cross-legged facing Lena.

Lena didn't budge from her spot at the end of the bed which was unusual for her.

After a moment of silence Lena spoke up, "Dad got a job on the other side of the country. We move next week." Lena started to cry silently as she told Kara the news.

"What do you mean?" Kara replied frantically.

"I'm leaving Kara. My parents are moving us." Lena replied as she looked over to her blonde girlfriend. Lena could see the hurt in Kara's eyes as she said this.

Kara moved over to sit next to Lena and held Lena in her arms as they cried together.

"So, we do long distance. We call every day and when we have breaks we ca--" Kara was interupted by Lena standing up.

"Kara no, we can't. My parents can't know I'm gay. You've met them! They would kick me out or kill me." Lena started to say while crying. "They would get suspicious of it and it's too risky."


"There are no buts Kara, we have to break up." Lena said as she cried.

Kara immediately stood up and held Lena in her arms and they cried together.

"I gotta go Kar." Lena said while separating from Kara.

"Lee, no, why? Why can't we have just another week?" Kara said frantically.

"Because it's gonna hurt too much and my mom wants to take me there today to look at the new house." Lena said as she stepped farther back.

Kara stood there in her pajamas silent. She watched as Lena grabbed her jacket that she left last night and walked out the door.

After Kara heard the front door close and Lena's car drive away, Kara crawled into the shower where she silently cried.

When she felt the emotions slow down, she got out and went down for breakfast.

"Where's Lena? I thought she was gonna have breakfast?" Eliza said as she flipped the  last of the French toast onto a plate.

"Lena stopped by to tell me she is moving." Kara said as she picked at the edge of a piece of French toast.

"Oh sweety, I'm so sorry." Eliza said sincerely as she walked around the kitchen island and gave Kara a big hug. "I know she was your best friend, maybe we can arrange for you to see her sometime." Eliza said as she held Kara while Kara cried even harder than before.

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