1. Dreams(PART 1)😴🤤

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Kara she-

Well Kara had...

Kara had a dream.

Actually, in truth, Kara had dreams.

Kara had sex dreams. About Lena. Kara Danvers had extremely vivid sex dreams about Lena Luthor and she couldn't stop thinking about it. It comes in snippets, and flashes, and visions and then it slams into her all at once, so fast she can barely breathe through the palpitations in her chest. Then it lingers. It's there when she blinks, and when she sleeps, and every time she turns and finds Lena by her side (which seems to be increasing with every passing day).

It was slowly driving her insane. Sometimes when she was flying she would think about it and then her body would forget to fly. Or, she was in the middle of a fight, and some sound or motion made her think about Lena like that, and suddenly she was being punched in the face by an incredibly angry and strong alien. Then there were the times when she was having a normal sister night and everything seemed safe, and normal, and great, and then she was back to imagining a breathless Lena in her bed, or on her kitchen counter, or one of the various other creative places her brain had conjured up.

(Apparently unconscious her was far less of a prude than conscious her).

So, about a week ago, Kara had started having sex dreams about Lena and now she was sitting in front of Lena, attempting to interview her, but ultimately getting too distracted by the way she bites her lip to pay any real attention. They should have sat at the desk. The desk would have been safer. Sitting at the sofa was asking for trouble, sitting at the sofa was asking for her brain to go to places she was attempting to avoid (although, honestly, with the rate that dream was going, the desk actually might not have been great either).

She couldn't concentrate. She couldn't think. All she could do was stare at Lena and attempt to block out every thought that was plaguing her mind. But apparently that wasn't the best plan either. Apparently it was, in fact, a huge problem. An extremely huge problem because Lena was not talking, and was noticing, and she was going to work this out. Lena was smart. Lena was PhD level smart. She figured out the Supergirl thing about two seconds into meeting Kara, there was no way she wasn't going to clock onto... this.

"Is everything alright, Kara?" Lena reaches out gently and Kara tries not to flinch, she really does. It's just that she's trying so very hard to make her brain stay respectful, and there is absolutely no way on earth she's going to be able to achieve that if Lena's hands are anywhere near her body. Kara doesn't miss the way Lena flinches in return. She's acutely aware of the shadows that pass over Lena's eyes as she curls in on herself almost imperceptibly. "Sorry I didn't mean to-"

"No! No. You're fine. I just-"

"I get it, Kara. Human contact makes me a little jumpy sometimes too." Kara briefly wonders what it would be like, to actively avoid human contact. She hadn't picked up on it with Lena at first being that their contact had generally been quite limited. Lena had no problems with handshakes. She was firm and precise but unaffected.

But Kara remembers the first time she had placed her hand on Lena's arm in what she intended to be comfort. She remembers the way she flinched. She remembers the way Lena's arm tensed beneath her touch. She remembers the shaky breath Lena released before she willed her body to relax. She mostly remembers the genuine glee in Lena's eyes when she made it through.

Lena watches Kara carefully for a moment longer before she overcomes her indecision and hovers her hand in the space between their bodies. Kara stares at it silently for a moment. Lena makes no move to edge closer until she speaks again.

"May I touch you?" And Kara is back to full on freak out mode. Why did she have to phrase it like that? Why did Kara's mind have to go there? Why had she suddenly become some hormone driven child? Kara was usually scandalized by these kinds of things. She hadn't had a sex dream since, well, ever. On a good day, she usually dreamt of puppies, and better days on Krypton, and other calm happy things, and now here she was.

Her mind was betraying her.

(Not that the dreams weren't great...

They were just an incredible inconvenience).

Kara nods. Lena reaches another inch before halting once again. She watches Kara questioningly before Kara even begins to realize that Lena is waiting for verbal confirmation.

"Yes," Kara offers timidly. It's a mistake. Of course it's a mistake. She just kinda figured that Lena might offer a nice shoulder pat, or an awkward arm squeeze, something subtle, something innocent. She didn't think that Lena would go for the thigh. She never thought it would be the thigh. Lena's hand is warm, and Kara thinks if she hadn't have gone and subconsciously ruined their regular friendship, it would have been comforting.

It should be comforting.

Instead all Kara can think is that it's a little too high, and Lena's hand is a little too warm, and that the situation is a little too close to her dreams for her mind to stay innocent and not stray from the regularly scheduled friendship.

So Kara maybe freaks out a little, and obviously by a little, she means that she massively freaks out. Kara freaks out so hugely that she jumps wildly from the couch and flails in a manner that sends a whole array of bottles toppling off the coffee table and onto the floor in a pile of glass.

She's such an idiot.

She is a literal superhero and she can't even handle this.

"That was expensive wasn't it? Oh my, of course it was expensive. It was in your office and in those fancy crystal bottles. I'm so sorry. Rao I'm such a klutz, I-" Lena doesn't spare the mess a glance, climbing to her own feet gracefully, and edging towards Kara once again.

"Kara what's wrong?" Lena reaches again and Kara topples backwards, laughing nervously. She grimaces at the sound of another smash. She doesn't even dare consider what else she has managed to destroy. She'll probably end up accidentally using her heat vision, or her freeze breath, or find that she can't keep her feet on the floor. She pushes her glasses up without thought, taking another step to distance herself from Lena when it looks as if she's about to risk closing in again. Lena stops immediately. Kara aches at the pain in her eyes. She doesn't want that. She never wanted that. Kara places her own hand gently on Lena's arm. Lena smiles and Kara sighs in relief as she replies in kind.

"I'm fine."

"You can tell me anything you know." Not this. Definitely not this. They had only just become good friends. Lena had started to truly trust her. Lena had let her in. Lena had finally managed to push past everything she was afraid of and allow herself a friend. Kara was Lena's friend and she couldn't tell her this and jeopardize that, especially since it would only make things awkward, and there was no way Lena would actually like her and she'd probably isolate herself again and-

This is Kara's problem.

Kara needs to get over this.

"I know, and I would, if there were anything to tell, which there is not, so... Everything is peachy." Lena chuckles, presumably over the word choice. She really needed to work on that - she was paid to be a reporter, and yet, when Lena Luthor was around her vocab switched to that of a fifties housewife (she had already gotten enough stick from Winn after the golly fiasco).

"Okay. Are we still on for movie night later, or do you need time to be peachy?" Movie night. Of course she forgot about movie night. An entire night spent in a darkly lit room, with a shared blanket, and the definite chance of hand holding because that was becoming a thing now.

"Movie night, yes! We are on. Definitely on for that, I do have to go now though and do some... filing. Yes. Snapper wants me to organize his files and stuff because he hates me and I hate filing so, you know, bye Lena!"

She was going to die.

Kara Danvers was honestly going to be murdered by a pretty girl and wandering thoughts.



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