Chapter 1 - The Collector

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After a group of feint whispers spoke out "Lee, Andrew, Stephen and Sarah.." and thunderous strikes, a suspicious character arose from their bed and yawned deeply. A masculine voice slowly spoke "Good riddance! What a awful amount of noise, you could at least be quiet! " The man was able to eventually return to his slumber. In the morning, the familiar man traversed down his stairs and appeared in the kitchen brewing a coffee. He then took a glance at his clock, which was mounted on the wall, "Blimey! Is that the time? I have to get to work!" The man swept up his coat and covered his body in a brown, silk raincoat;he also covered his feet in his thick,shining boots. He then rushed into a smoky grey textured building with blue stripes plastered on top and spoke once more, "Captain! I'm sorry I'm late!" The Captain immediately added the man to the conversation,"Ah Rupert! Nice to see you 20 minutes late to your shift!" Rupert scratched his head and apologized,"I'm sorry Captain! I had issues trying to sleep.." The Captain kept a skeptical glare towards Rupert, but eventually he slid a slick red stool underneath Rupert's legs,"Normally I would've been mad that you missed out on the most important investigation about The Galactical Gods, but I'll let it slide for now" He quietly chuckled to himself, Rupert nodded and stepped over to a drawer filled with cups and cutlery, he grasped a cup and brought it down. Afterwards he activated the coffee machine and poured the coffee into his cup. Meanwhile,The Captain made a phone-call to his Lieutenant, "Hello Lieutenant,I'm lead to believe we have our suspect, the one that destroyed sector 12.." The Lieutenant enthusiasticly spoke back, "Who would be the main suspect?" The Lieutenant said intrigued, The Captain lowered his voice and told revealed his suspect,"Well I believe it to be Rupert Prowley due to his absence, it would be the only obvious suspect " The Lieutenant chuckled slightly,"Very well then,I will tell the police force immediately!"

Meanwhile,Rupert was laying in an armchair holding an empty coffee as he gazed outside the window showing him the civilisation outside. He then took a short rest, but was awoken to the sounds of howling towards him, Rupert yawned and slowly adjusted his eyes,"What's happening here?!" The Captain and Lieutenant towered over him with spite in their eyes and soon The Lieutenant growled, "We have suspicion that you committed the catastrophe that was towards the massacre of Sector 12" Rupert stuttered over his words,"N-no! You must be greatly misunderstood! I had trouble sleeping! You must believe me!" The Captain grasped his sleeve and raised him up, "That sounds awfully suspicious don't ya think?" Then the Captain cuffed up Rupert and commanded the other members of the G.P.F to carry him to The Chambers of Culprits, an extremely rustic and old fashioned prison.

When Rupert got thrown into the Captain's car, he pleaded his innocence for the entire journey even though the Captain kept doubting him every time. After the extended journey towards the chambers ,Rupert eventually got ejected into his cell, which was a pale plastered cage with electrical wired lasers, being held by rusted and unsafe bolts. The lasers were used as a more modern substitute for iron bars, "W-wait! I don't belong here!!" The Captain then pranced away and abandoned the building. Rupert was panting heavily and sweating due to the piled amount of stress, "Maybe I can escape! But how.." Rupert looked towards his cell door and noticed the loose bolts, he roughly twisted the bolts, continuously struggling to get a healthy grip. He then lightly ripped off the support from its hinges. He watched as the lasers from the door slowly powered down, trying to be as quiet as a mouse, Rupert crept ever so slightly away from the cell which kept him still for a short time.

Immediately after his successful shuffle away from the gate the alarms blared and bright red lights flashed as Rupert dashed towards the exit. The Prison Keeper slid down the rough steps towards Rupert but was too late due to Rupert's fast agility,which he obtained due to his countless exercises that he took when working on the G.P.F. After a long winded chase Rupert crouched low to the ground trying to muffle his breathes as they tried to slyly escape his lungs, during his duration of his hiding he saw a barrage of G.P.F officers dashing west, which was the opposite direction in where Rupert was cloaking himself.

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