Chapter 2

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A giant council sits among hundreds of rows of red velveteen seats that goes as high as you can see, expanding the higher it gets. In the center of the never ending funnel is a golden circle where a young, pale teenage boy stands, his raven hair crawling down the middle of his neck.
"Loki, you have been brought forth to this trial to decide your sentence of 3 petty crimes. The first, harassing future knights with your magic abilities."

A smirk appeared on his face.

"The second, for meddling with the Prince Thor's training,"

Loki's smirk started to turn into a broad smile, but then it quickly turned into a scowl when Thor yelled, "THIS DRINK, I LIKE IT! I'LL HAVE ANOTHER!!!" As he threw his golden goblet emptied of red wine to the ground, he pushed through a set of old wooden doors. Wait, not old... Just heavily used. Could it be... It was! It was the doors that led from my parents room to their bathroom! How could that be?

All while this is happening, I was testing out my new high-tech shower in my towel. Someone else was there, too... She had dark hair and glasses... I didn't know her and I've never seen her before but I KNEW her name was Darcy.

Darcy and I were playing with the remote to my shower- I could turn it on, off, turn the heat up or down, add shampoo and conditioner automatically to the shower, and lastly, along with unknown buttons, were controls to add fog to the shower and write in it in with the remote. I got curious, so I started slamming my hand all over the remote and watched what happened. It started to glitch, however, and things were being written into the fog... Extremely perverted and invasive questions, like- "Are you wearing underwear? What color? I can't wait to see you without them". I was so freaked out this was happening, I collapsed onto the floor and started balling, and Darcy started to bow down to the shower. In the middle of my sob fest, Darcy fell to her side and I screamed as if I was in a horror movie because of more messages in the shower.
"And your third, and final, petty crime you have committed is meddling with (y/f/n) (y/l/n)'s life timeline. You were not permitted to interact with her until she met your age, 17. You could've revealed her secret identity, but you did not show consideration when you interfered with her  life too soon. Loki Laufeyson, you have ultimately rewritten you and (y/f/n) (y/l/n)'s future relationship. It is not a terrible crime, but you will be fined for all historical markers and literature that will have to be destroyed or rewritten. Overall, you will be punished by being fined 1,500 gold pieces. Be glad we are not adding more, Prince Loki" the councilman spat at the end.
There was a scream. It was familiar... It was mine! Everyone in the council room could hear, but only Loki seemed to care. He dashed out and through a wooden door (which is the one that leads from your parents' closet to the bathroom) and saw me screaming and crying on the ground.

Loki ran to my side and began to hold and rock me back and forth. He ran his fingers through my golden hair. "It's ok, (y/n). I've got you. It's ok..."

With a sudden jolt, I woke up. I felt weird, like I had known that "Loki" my whole life, and the energy and unnamed emotions we felt between each other in the moment were far too strange for someone I had never actually met before, even in Dream World. My heart was fluttering with joy and heavy with some darker emotion I couldn't put a finger on, but the best part was that it felt real. It felt like I just fell in love for the first time- I felt loved, accepted, and cared for, albeit, I already know what falling in love was like and it didn't work out. For me, at least. But just as all these thoughts and emotions hit, they crash. It was just a dream- it'll never come true, and I'll never fall in love with someone who actually gives a shit about me. My subconscious only made me dream that to fulfill broken dreams and promises of the past and fill empty lifelong holes, but it only made my eternal loneliness worse. It's strange- that's the first time I didn't have a nightmare. Although it seemed horrific, love was seeping from every corner. It felt real, I want to believe it and that it's possible for those feelings to be mutually exchanged between two people, but it's not. Not with me, I don't deserve them.

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