Chapter 2

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3rd person POV:

If you wanted Seungmin's real opinion, for the first time in his life, he didn't want to go to school. Not only becasue of his ex-boyfriend but his friends would scold him for not texting back. And then try to make him feel better. Weirdos.

Not going to school was out of the quesstion for Seungmin though. So he started his day like always.  Shower, get dressed, make brakfast and go.

When he got to school he could see his friends waiting for him.

Seungmin's POV:

I walk up to them. "hey guys" I say. They all turn towards me.

"Seungmin! Why didn't you answer us yesterday we were worried you wouldn't come to school!" Jeongin said.

"Here we go" I mumbled and rolled my eyes. "I'm fine clearly" I said showing them.

"I don't belive you, it looks like you were crying, did you cry?" Felix said.

"I'm fine and no i didn't" I said turning my head only to regret it. Right there was Jisung... and some other guy. Jisung must of felt my stare on him and he looked over. He smiled and waved. I didn't smile nor wave back insted I turned my head back to my friends. Both Felix and Jeongin looked where I had been looking.

"Oh" Felix said. "Are you sure you're ok, we can say you're sick and you can take the day off-" Felix started to ramble. "No Lix it's ok Jisung isn't even in many of the classes i'm in.". "Fine but we are coming over after school, and no, you can't stop us right Innie?" He said crossing his arms and looking at me then Jeongin. "Yes! we are!" Jeongin said with enthusiasim crossing his own arms.

"Fine, well see you guys at lunch" And with that we all went to our fist class.

When I arrived at my first class I walked in to- well great, the only other two people already here just had to be Jisung and the other guy. and if that wasn't bad enough they we practily eating eachothers faces. Just then the bell then rang they stoped and student started coming in. I sat down got ready and for the first time in my life, texted Lix & Innie during class before the teacher came.

Lix & Innie


Guys I already regret coming to school


Why? What happened?


When I reached the classroom I was a little early, and you know what, I saw Jisung and that OTHER GUY practically eating each other's faces off.


You know you could still call in sick? I don't think your teacher is there yet.


Oh well the teacher is here now, plus I wouldn't want to miss a class. Well bye i'll see you later.


Bye see you later!


See you at lunch!

When the lunch bell rang I bolted out the classroom to the cafeteria and sat with my friends. 

'How are you doing we got your text' Felix asked.

'I'm fine I just want this day to end.' I said sitting down.

'It'll be over soon don't worry, for now have some food'





-Time Skip »After school-

I get inside my house and go make some food. Soon after I hear a knock on the door.

'Come in!' I tell them and I see Felix and Jeongin enter.

'Do you guys want to watch a movie? I can make popcorn.' I offer.

'Sure thanks  Seungmin!' Jeongin said hopping on the couch, with Felix following, and they both pick a movie.

Hey I hope you liked the chapter!

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