Part 2 Annoyed

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Jennie Pov

I'm here at cafeteria eating while laughing with my friends cause' of thier silliness. While we're talking I see the cute nerd in the corner. So I thought of something fun, and I'm sure you' all will enjoy it.

"Guess I'm planning guys" I said smirking at them.

"Woah something fun?" Tzuyu said

"Yeah more than that, and guess who"
I said to them while smiling like crazy.

"The cute nerd? I guess." Nayeon said.

"Bravo! Nabong!" I said and smirk.

"So what's your plan?" Irene said.

"Simple, I will put juice in her head."
I said back to them. And they smirk.

"Fvck I'm excited! Jennie fighting!"
They said excitedly,.

"Watch and learned!" I cooly said and they smile disappeared and just rolled they eyes at me.

"Well let's see" They said in unison.

I walk to direction where the cute nerd is and i ordered juice to starts this fun plan. After that I scanned the place because the nerd fastly disappeared and I mentally facepalm 
Because of this stupidness. Gosh I hate this cafeteria, they are so fvcking slow! Agh annoying. So I slowly walk to my friends direction. And they quickly averted they eyes to me questionly. They started to ask nonsense questions again. Tss

"So what now?" Tzuyu ask.

"What happened?" Irene ask.

"Did your plan work?" Nabong ask.

"What her reaction?" Dahyun ask.

"It is funny?" Jisoo ask.

"For fvck sake stop asking me. I'm not in the mood to answer your all nonsense questions! So shut up will you'all?" I said to them angrily.

"Oh jenduike what happened to you?"
Jisoo unnie ask me worriedly.

"Nothing unnie" I said in low tone

"Oh our queen bee is not in the mood!" Nabong said happyly.

"Shut up!" I yell at her.

And they are all shock, ofcourse, this is the first time to yell in her friends.
So it's new to them, and same at Jennie, who has now eyes wide open.

"I'm so sorry guys, I didn't mean it,"
I said apologizing.

"Oum no it's okey" nayeon said but she can still not believe what happen.
Because you know it's not new to them to heared Jennie yell,but not in them, so it's new to them.

"Btw what happened to you unnie?," Tzuyu asked me in concerned.

"Oh that's nothing!" I said said to them but they didn't believe me but they shrugs they off for a meantime.

"Let's go guys, were going to be late in next subject so hurry up" irene said.
And they follow her right away.
Lisa Pov

I'm here at the cafeteria buying some burger and juice, and I see my best friend full of foods on her table so I approached her slowly. I need a plan
HAAHAHAHAHA. I slowly walk towards her and yell at her ears. She choke in her foods, so I started laughing at her.

"Gosh your face" I said and laugh"

"Yah! Why did you do that?" She said teary eyes. Aish this cry baby.

"Hey hey I'm sorry, I didn't mean to,"
I said to her because I feel guilty.

"HAHAHAHAHA your face to" she said and laugh.

"Yah! Chimpunk! Your so mean!" I said and pout cutely at her.

"Ew, don't act like that infront of me, I might puke". She said and act she gonna puke any minute.

"But why? I'm cute you know, even I'm a nerd." I said to her cutely.

"Okey okey" she surrender and we laughed. (Siraulo tong dalawang to)

"Yah let's eat now before the bell will rang" she said and started to eat.

After that we started to walk in our next subject, and we came in in the classroom and see alot of students.

"Oh professor is not yet her" she said.

"Yeah right" I said.

"It's so boring!" I added.

"Let's hangout later arraso?" She said excitedly, and I nodded.

"What time?" I asked.

"3 pm, let's shopping, I miss those," she said dramatically. aish

"Okey okey, and let's watch some movies after that" I said and smile.

"Not horror movie, arraso? I hate horror, huhu" she said and giggles.

"Yah yah okey your highness" I said formally and we laugh.

We're talking some of the subject until professor arrived. He walked to his   desk and he said something.

"Hey guys, listen!" He said loudly.

"I'm gonna attend meeting today so you' all can leave early today." He added. And paused.

And the classroom went wild. So professor shout louder than that so the room went silent.

"Nothing, you can go now" he added and walk out.

"Yey, this is gonna be fun!" She said and jump in happyness.

"Yeah right, let's go, time is gold" I said and walk away, leaving her.

"Yah, wait for me, you monkey! She said and run towards me.

"Whatever chimpunk!" I said, and run
Meanwhile Jennie Pov

We're here at our next subject, talking randomly, until someone open the door reaveling the girl I was planning something earlier. I stare at her for a minute, annalizing her features, and gosh she's so pretty, my thoughts went enterrupt when I heard someone said infront of me. I finnaly come back to my senses. My God nerd what are you doing to me?.

"For fvck sake, who are you looking at?" Jisoo unnie asked curiously.

"Huh? I'm not looking at someone" I said back to her.

I hope she will believe me, because they will tease me again!

"Ow really? Jenduike?" She said teasingly. I really hate her!.

"Can you stop calling me that weird nickname?" I said changing the topic.

"Why? Isn't cute? Your mean!" She said acting like hurting.

"Back to topic, are you looking at that nerd?" She added.

"Why would i, stare at her?" I said

"Why wouldn't you?" She said.

"She's a nerd but she's a cute, pretty, sexy and also a hot nerd" She added.

Well she's right though.✓

"Whatever you say unnie" I just rolled my eyes on her.

"Do you like her?" She asked me and it's fastly affect me, do I like her? No.
No. Fvcking no.

"N-no n-no u-nni-e why would i?" I said and fvck why did I stutter.

"Then why are affected? And you also nervous cause you stuttering" she said and she flastered her smirk.

"Nothing" That's all I can say.

To be continued.

I hope you like it all. I know it's pretty boring. And I was improving my English, cause Im a filipina, you know? Hihi btw can you all be my friend?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2021 ⏰

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