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Matty leant against the counter as you put all the ingredients for the muffins out on the counter.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" He asked, as you placed the carton of eggs on the counter next to the flour.

"You're blind Matt, not dead" you chuckled. "It's good to experience different things in life" you smiled, beginning to sieve the flour into the bowl with the sugar and butter.

"I did bake with my dad once for Christmas before the accident. Used a box mix... didn't go very well. Burnt em' to a crisp" he muttered, smiling at the memories.

you placed the sieve in the sink and walked over to him, holding his hand and guiding him towards the bowl.

"Well you're baking with me. I mean I'm practically Gordon Ramsey. "You joked. "I'll help you, baking isn't meant to be uptight, it's how a lot of people relax"

he sighed and smiled as you stood behind him, puppeteering his hands.

"So grab an egg from the carton" you instructed, moving his arms to the carton to carefully pick up an egg. His calloused hands picked up an egg gently.

"Now bring it over to the bowl and crack it on the edge" your hands continued to guide his to the bowl, leading him to crack it gently on the side of the bowl.

"Anddddddd - pull!" You laughed, as your hands helped his cluelessness.

"Did I do it?" he asked happily.
"Mhm" you smiled.

The two of you spent the rest of the afternoon baking, teaching him how to pour the mixture into the cases with a spoon, how to ice them and of course, eating them together.

"I can proudly say that this was a success" he smiled.
"Oh really mister Ramsey " you joked.

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