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December 15th, 2:45 pm.

As dangerous as I knew it was. I made that decision and I didnt care. I was gonna walk home with both earphones in my ear and not think about who would come up behind me and snatch my world from me.

I just wanted to walk and leave earth on the other side of my plugs. Every high note was flooded out by my loud voice and carried into the cold air. The vapor that carried it reminded me of my days smoking, and I regretted every cigarillo. But personally I thought I had a beautiful singing voice and I focused on that. Humming every tune with the right melodic harmony.

Then I was interrupted by my ringtone just when the highest pitch was coming and I trained myself for it.

It's Chrissy.

I didn't have to look at my phone to know who it is. I press the speaker button on the earphones to answer her call so she knows I'm not asleep. Chrissy is the kind of person to leave long voicemails after I'm asleep. Most of the time I appreciate it because it puts a smile on my dull face. She's helped me through life...

"Hunny, you're awake and outside. I think Hassandra needs to seriously think about therapy for you."

I chuckle lightly into the speaker looking up to the midnight blue surrounding me becoming darker with ever slow step. I live in a semi-bad neighborhood but there's enough good people here for me to know that I'm just another person walking alone so they'll ignore me, just like they always do. Little do they know how much I work hard for others and completely leave myself out the equation. I've never gotten a moment to myself. Till now.

I live with only Hassandra. My 6 month pregnant 17 year old sister who's pretending to date a 27 year old man, Casper. Cas is nice. He takes care of us and he used to know Dad. Being his closest friend and held me when I first came home. Now his spirit just kind of....died. Just like my parents.

But nothing seems to matter at this moment, because I felt so numb with the frigid air biting the exposed skin I fail to cover. Thinking about how mom would ground me for more than a year for pulling stunts like these, I enjoy the freedom I get without them here....just about the only thing I enjoy, really.

I feel a hand grip my side and I scream, they turn me around and place a firm hand on my mouth. I'm bawling before my brain gets to fully comprehend my attacker, and I see it's Calvin with a huge group of other adolescents in the distance behind him.




And then I smell his hand and pull away. I'm so freaked out that all I can do is hug his muscled body and breathe. He holds me tight and rubs my back.

"Omg don't do that, please, never again in your life, I beg of you," I back away looking around fully aware of what I'm actually doing. I put my arms in the air and burry my fingers in my hair, controlling my breathing.




And aggravated...

I turn to him suddenly and throw my hands in the air.

"Why Cal? a poke wasnt enough? you had to scar me too? Damn you man, what the fuck," I unplug the head phones, apologize to Chrisy and tell her i'll see her tomorrow.

"Why are you outside so late? I could've been somebody else," and my first mistake was to take that as he cared for me.

"I appreciate your parenting, but I have to get home."

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