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Raphael POV

I woke up slowly and with just a few blinks while trying to sit up I felt dazed. 

Then suddenly I realized what the godess said so I quickly hopped down my bed and since the bed was like covering the majority of my room it was actually taking a whole heep of my energy. 

Once I was down, I walked over to a very expensive looking mirror and when I looked at myself damn did I look pretty... 

I had azure eyes and my hair was silver white, my skin was white and my lips naturally looked red.

In my past life I was actually good looking but not to the point of a narcissist. Now I look like a hot peice of cake... Like guys. I'm gay for myself.

I noticed the clothes I was wearing and it looked nothing like the something I would wear just to go to bed. No it looked like it actually took time and money to make. 

Being honest I've never worn anything this fancy before. Well except for when I needed to go to a wedding or something but daaaaaaaamnnnnnn. I'm hot.

As I was checking myself out in the mirror doing some poses and stuff I got interupted by a lady that looks like a maid casually walking in and thats when she froze on the spot.

She looked like she had just seen a ghost. And just when I was about to ask who the hell she was,

She immediatley started apologising and said something like "I'm s-sorry y-y-young m-master" blah blah blah (she was speaking to fast), went down on all fours and kneeled before me and started squeezing her eyes shut like something bad was about to happen.

I was so lost on what was happening so I just walked away... like wtf dude do I look like fucking J*sus to you? 

As I walked out I bumped into a really big person... like this person was huge but the man looked like one of those really fancy butlers that you would see in a movie or something.

"Good morning Young master." he then signaled the other maids and they all came in.

All of them wore the same maid outfit and they all seemed uncomfortable to speak so I decided to initiate the converstaion.

"Ahem um good morning... to you to..?" I swear to God I was so confused

All of them sweat dropped, some of them even started to shake unbearbly and the butler looked shocked but only for a split second.

It was akward just standing there so I just walked out.

When I started exploring the mansion or should I say castle everything was beautiful and well decorated but the vibe from it was heavy.

I couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching me but whenever I turned around nobody was there, it was weird. 

But when I turned around again suddenly a kid just stood right there infront of me and I just stood there stunned for a minute before everything became quiet and extremely akward.

"um... yes..?"

At first he gave me an indifferent expression before returning to an emotionless gaze and being honest it kinda made me anxious, and I don't know why but his face looks so familiar... 

Its really bugging me at the moment but before I did anything he grabbed my hand and literally yanked me right infront of his face.

It frikin scared the shit outta me. But all I could think of at that time was his eyes... 

It was an mischiviouse purple that seemed to swallow the world up like a blackhole. I was amazed by it until he said something that frikin triggeres me.

"I see... You still are trash though."

I just stood there frikin triggered in my thoughts I literally kept on repeating the words 'calm', 'Do Not Attack', 'He is just a kid'...

Speaking of kids, this kid seemed like he was a lot taller then me but only by a head and his hair was also white but still had black tints around. 

He also looked like the type that always go tchosen as a leader, since I can tell by his poise, it's like the vibe he radiated was screaming 'Kneel Peasant.' 

So I don't think he is somebody that I would want to be associated with in the first place.

As I was zoning out thinking about how bratty this fucking kid was, I could feel his gaze burning a hole on me and it was like he was looking into my very soul. 

And since I got reincarnated its very freightening. 

Like who wants to go around saying shit like 'hey I was 17 before I got reincarnated into (what looks like) a fucking 7 year old'...

I would get put into an asylum for that. Period.

And since we were just standing there for no bloody reason I chose to go away from the brat or should I say problems because ain't nobody wanna deal with that shit so...

As I was taking a few steps away from him I could still feel his gaze or should I say glare, then out of nowhere he grabbed me and said,

"Hey! Don't turn your back on me."

To be frank he looked furious... It's not like it scared me though. 

I had sisters that could do a better job than that. 

Like my reaction then was like 'This bitch.' Like if you wanted to scare me at least TRY to be menacing instead of being such a brat about me ignoring my problems. 

I eyerolled on the spot. 

Then left. 

Period. No comma on that shit. 


That is until he grabbed my hair and pulled it all the way down until I was on the ground.

A/N:'hi again.'

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