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Five years after they had met, San and Wooyoung, both 11, were the only thing they needed in each other's lives.

woo pov:

"San, Wooyoung! Dinners almost ready."

I halted my tree climbing expedition as I heard our names being called. I looked down a few branches, and as expected, San's head was peeking through the leaves, his tongue sticking out of his mouth. 

"Beat you there."

Oh, game on Sannie.

As soon as those three words left his mouth, I was already working on untangling myself from the tree limbs. Leaves brushed past my face, and I even had a few close calls with a few branches, but nonetheless, my determination to win the race overpowered any thoughts of safety.

After successfully freeing myself from the hold of the tree, I dropped onto the hot sand and looked for San. I saw him sprinting father down the beach and decided my next mission would be catching up to him. My legs were longer than his, so I could sprint faster than him, but he already had a head start, and the sand was definitely not helping my case.

He hadn't made it up the tree as high as I did, and as proud of that as I was, I was a bit salty he didn't at least wait for me to reach the ground before he began running.

I was gaining on him, but not quickly enough to beat him. Knowing there was no way I could win this battle, I did what I had to. When I felt I was close enough, I tackled him, taking us both down and landing on the beach with a thud.

"Now both of us are losers," I said, pulling him closer to me.

"But Woo, I finally had a chance to beat you. Why would you do that? Are you that sore of a-"

Before he could finish his sentence, I began to violently tickle his sides. His high-pitched squeals would surely be heard a few houses down, that was if there were any houses. Wooyoung's family lived in a secluded area, right in front of a small beach. Just big enough for the two of them.

After a few minutes had passed, he was begging me to stop. When I decided to play nice, I retracted my arms from his body, but not before carefully intertwining our tiny fingers.

"Hey Sannie,"

"What's up, Woo?"

"What do you always say we are again?"

"Amicus Ad Aras. Why?" he asked, slightly squeezing my hand.

"I want to know what it means."

"I'll tell you when you're old enough to understand. " he teased.

Although he was only a few months older than me, he still liked to play it up as much as he possibly could.

I punched him lightly with my free hand because, at that moment in time, there was nothing in the entire world that would make me want to let go of his.

san pov:

When we finally decided to go back inside, the first thing his mom told us was to get cleaned up while she re-heated dinner, as it had slipped both of our minds. We both had sand in our hair, and Woo hadn't even noticed the rip in his left sleeve, which he proceeded to whine about because it was one of his favorite shirts.

After his mini breakdown, Woo led me up to his room, although I've been here enough in the past year to get there blindfolded.

He opened his door, letting me in first as I headed towards his black dresser, grabbing the first shirt and pair of shorts I could see, not bothering to check if they matched. The clothes inside were a mix of mine and Woo's anyways. We've spent the night at each other's houses so much, so as time went by, they all seemed to blend together, no longer having a single owner.

He quickly grabbed a different change of clothes. After ridding himself of his old outfit, we both headed downstairs, telling ourselves that we'll bathe after filling our stomachs.

third person pov:

After eating dinner, which almost resulted in a mac n cheese food fight, the two boys decided it was time to go to bed. They changed into their pajamas and got comfy in their makeshift bed on Wooyoung's carpeted floor, which consisted of pillows and lots of fluffy blankets. The only light source in the room was the glow from the moon that spilled through the window panes, casting eerie shadows on the grey walls.

San was not a fan of this, so he snuggled closer to wooyoung.

"Goodnight Wooyoungie."

Wooyoung smiled after hearing the nickname.

"Goodnight Sannie, goodnight Shiber."

Neither of the 11-year-olds realized how tired they were because, after that, both of their eyes closed and the two boys fell into a deep slumber.

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