20 | meeting luna

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this feeling was overwhelming, and i thought i was going to throw up

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this feeling was overwhelming, and i thought i was going to throw up. i deserved to feel sick, yes?

suddenly, as the thunder boomed, he felt that white-hot burning sensation coursing through his entire body, making him feel a whole new level of pain that he did not know existed.

taehyung felt his head heavy, foggy and all the physical strength in his body was sapped away by emotions. part of his brain hated this, crying like such a child.

the next second he took a deep breath in, his vision sees the room suddenly tilted before his eyes. he had no control over his body as he fell sideways from the couch and plop onto the cold floor.

jungkook was massaging the bridge of his nose where all the tension of the day had built up.

but when he looked up to put an end to their short union, he saw taehyung's eyelids fluttered, body swinging back and forth before his body drops to the side.

froze and worried, his head felt like a boat stuck in the middle of a storm with no way to paddle through.

his mind was in pendulum, swinging out of control between various emotions. emotions that only taehyung had the ability to bring forth.

you see, one moment he was in anger mood, the next second he was on panic mode.

"baby!" jungkook fall to his knees and cradle taehyung's head. his face so cold and hangs limply between his palms. he then swiftly scooped the unconscious male onto his arms.

taehyung is like a feather, well, he is not a dead weight either; in fact, jungkook wonders sometimes if taehyung becomes weightless when he passed out, as if all forces of gravity disappear along with his consciousness.

upon reaching,  jungkook nudges the room door open with his foot and he carefully lays taehyung on the bed.
then he left to collect taehyung crutches from the balcony and runs to the storerooms to grabbed a heater.

he returns back to the room, change taehyung to a new pair of pyjamas, sets everything and places the heater near taehyung's bed.

then he stayed a little while, gently he kneels down so he could watch taehyung, looking so fragile, in his sleep.

"how do we end up this way?" he whisper those little words to himself as he wiped taehyung's tear stains with his thumb, and then he leaves the room.

"how do we end up this way?" he whisper those little words to himself as he wiped taehyung's tear stains with his thumb, and then he leaves the room

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it's late morning the next time taehyung opens his eyes.

he realizes he must have passed out. his bangs are falling into one of his eyes; he pushes them back in irritation as the events of earlier seep back into his mind.

i'm back to my room? must be namjoon hyung carried me from the balcony. he even brought the heater for me. and how on earth i was in my nightgown? hmm.. taehyung sighs in relief. relieved, at least he was in proper care.

however, at the moment, he was helpless. and it wasn't a feeling taehyung enjoyed having, he loathed it. the fact that he couldn't even roam around on his own.

against his better judgement, taehyung gets off the bed. yup, being stubborn he is, he had tried getting up but soon fell to the cold floor in agonizing pain.

"oooof!" he swear his ankle felt like it was being ripped off of his body. he started to curse, "fuck, fuck, fu-"


"tae!? why did you sit on the floor!" namjoon gasps out loud as he stood in front the door for a moment.

"hyung, uh.. i- my back sweat from laying too long, so i want t- to feel the cold floor.." taehyung smiled sheepishly. luckily some rosy color returning to his pale face.

"huh? you're so weird." air-conditioned is on though? how hot can he be?! weird, really. "anyways, tae, i need your help."

"oh? what is it, hyung?"

"help me to pick up luna from her school? i'm going for a meeting and we all will come back together later."

for the first time in a while, a boxy smile slowly formed on taehyung's face. he though that was very generous of namjoon.

when actually everyone is busy, the driver only drive but a guardian from jeon's needed to pick up the child. so namjoon trusted taehyung for the task.

without saying much, taehyung agreed. he gets to meet luna, finally! he misses that girl so damn much. but little did he know, it will cause heartache for him and the poor girl.

"come on, lets change you first." with that namjoon pulling taehyung up off the floor easily.

of course, he tries to assist the best he can, but he couldn't help to think for someone so thin, taehyung is in no way so light like this.

once he change, namjoon carried him to his car. he opened the passenger side door and gently placed taehyung's body down in the seat. he then walked over to driver's side and tells him to drive safe.

"taehyung, remember you just stay in the car. luna will come out on her own." namjoon reminded and taehyung just nodded.

but when you're excited, sometimes you forgot. taehyung gets down from the car, slowly adjusted his crutches on his upper arm, and limping his way to the lobby area. despite protest from the driver, taehyung stubbornly ignore him.

he waited for a few minutes until the bell rings. class 1 students all came out running with supervision from their teachers.

luna squealing and jumping when she saw taehyung. her long ponytail hair bouncing against her backpack, whipping through the air.

"taetae! taetae!" her face alight with her stunning smile and love dove eyes.

just seeing her face made taehyung feel a million times better. he slightly bend down carefully and leaned in for a quick peck.

"i missed you so much, baby." taehyung loved her too. if this was his child, he swore he would never cut her long pretty hair.

 if this was his child, he swore he would never cut her long pretty hair

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