Chapter 23 (Dear diary...)

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Ross's pov

-Oh my godness! We really kissed! It felt Rossome!

Ross- Can I ask you something Laura? (I tried to keep calm)

Laura- Yeah, of course. (She smiled.)

Ross- Do you wanna be my girlfriend Laura Marie Marano?

Laura- Of course I wanna Ross Shor Lynch. I wanna.

- She was so happy and me too. Then I came closer and hugged her.

Laura- Ross, do you wanna your family to know it?

Ross- Why not. (I smiled.) They absolutely love you so....

Laura- I am glad. So.....can you leave me alone now? (She smiled.) I need to change my clothes and then we can go downstairs. Just knock on my door when you're ready.

Ross- Okey. (I smiled and was about to leave the room.) Can I just kiss you on the cheek before I leave?

Laura- Yeah. What a stupid question. You are my boyfriend. (She smiled.)

Ross- Yeah, I am happy to be your boyfriend beautiful.

Laura- I am not beautiful Ross. (Blushed.) Btw. Can I call you Rossy? (Smiled.)

Ross- You are. (I smiled.) No way. You can't haha. (I giggled.) Only if can I call you Laur.

Laura- Laur? My daddy called my like this. I....I'll be very happy if you'll call me like this.

Ross- Okey, so you can call me Rossy. But only when no one can hear us. Haha.

Laura- Okey, we'll see.

- I went closer to her and gave her kiss on the cheek.

Ross- I'll miss you Laur.

Laura- Haha, you act like you woun't see me like few years.

Ross- Cause I love you.

Laura- I love you too Rossy.

- I smiled and slowly left the room.

Laura's pov

-I changed my clothes and then I was bored, so I started write to my diary.

Dear diary,
I lost my parents and my sister is in coma. I am very sad for it, but there is one person, who always makes me smile. It's Ross. He is amazing or I could say Rossome. I always felt better around him, but today, today was the day, what we said our first "I love you". We also kissed. It was also amazing. I am very happy, that Ross is my boyfriend now. "I love you Ross Shor Lynch."

-When I closed my diary, Ross just knocked on the door and I opened.)

Ross- Laur, mummy just called us to breakfast. (He smiled.)

Laura-Okey. (I smiled back.)

-Ross took my hand and we left the room.

-We came to the dining room, where they all were sitting around the table. We didn't get, that we are still hand by hand.

Ross and Laura- Good morning. (We smiled.)

Everyone else- Good morning.

-Rydel looked at our hands and smiled.

Rydel- Laura, you are smiling. I am glad that you feel better. (She went to me and hugged me and I pulled away Ross's hand.) Lau, that hands, you are dating? Just for info. (She whispered into my ear smiling.)

Laura- I think that Ross wanna say it. (I blushed.)

Rydel- OMG I am so happy now (She smiled even more.)....

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