Chapter 2

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"paperboy..." She sang in my ears.

"Shut up!" I said shortly after blushnig.

It wasn't like he was interested in me. He had a girlfriend and she was what most people would consider as perfect. I was just the nerd on the side lines I said pushing my glasses up on my button nose. His slightly pointed chin and sturdy jaw line was to good for me I thought to myself.

His big brown orbs were an even distance apart, they sat below his trimmed eyebrows.

"Your annoying."

"But your the one in love hunn."

Uhh she was so darn annoying. Just as I said this an outstanding figure came peddeling across the street. Opening the door I saw a more defined figure and It was "Him" he was dressed in his signature black harem pants, red sneakers and a black fitted singlet.

At this point I was basically drooling. "Stop being a dog Ari just go outside and say Hi."

"Easy for you to say your not the schools dirtbag."

I said almost tearing up but hiding it by covering my face with my sweater. "Babe he's just one of those players who has all the girls wrapped around his little finger what makes you any different?"

"Oh i don't noo my geeky glasses, braces..?"

I said running on my voice getting higher. "Hey look on the bright side you have dimples," she said squeezing my cheeks. "Now go kick butt," she continued and shoved me out the door. Shivering I nodded and looked at him slowly as I walked sure-footedly.

"Hi." I said turning on my charm but mentally face palmed when he ignored me. Okay that was strike one. I walked a bit closer and tapped his shoulder. He turned around making my cheeks heat up quickly. "Hi." I mumbled. "Sup," he said harshly while setting one of the paper on my lawn. "Uh nothing." I said again mentally face palming myself. Strike two. "Are you out here often?" Oh my God now come on three strikes and I'm out. He looked at me with one eyebrow up but didn't reply. It was as if everyday I didn't stalk him as he peddled in every afternoon,  I just heard a remark under his breath. I sighed and ran back inside and if that wasn't bad enough I slipped on a slippery piece of ice.

That didn't even catch even his attention.

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