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I wake up with a pounding headache and a sore face and slide out of bed with a groan. Body like a tonne weight and very aware that I have had a physical assault. It's still dark and glancing at my bedside clock tells me it's four a.m. and I sigh heavily.

We came home, and I did exactly what I was told and came to bed, not really feeling like being around Carrero after that weird moment between us, even if bed was not something I wanted to do. I can handle him being his usually obtuse and stubborn arsehole self, but the softer glimpse threw me totally. I don't know how to deal with him being different, so I avoided him and decided to sleep this off.

Except I can't; I need aspirin and a drink to clear the horrid metallic bloody taste from my mouth. I feel like I have the king of hangovers and even my body hurts in places that Demagio didn't even touch.

I pad out into the apartment in nothing but my nightdress, pulling my hair up messily into a bun on top of my head with one hand as I wander through, and stop dead in my tracks when I see him.

He's sitting on the couch, lounging casually with a lot of papers across the table in front of him and a laptop open on top of it all. He's still in his dress shirt and trousers but his normally immaculate hair looks a little scruffier as though he's been running his hands through it.

I swallow and take a deep breath and continue on my way to the kitchen, curving around the sunken island seating area in hopes he won't notice me. I can't be arsed with a lecture on my skimpy attire and breaking one of his cardinal rules of undressing when he is around.

''You're up early.'' That damned voice makes me jump and I throw him back a glance, dropping my hair to fall back around my shoulders like a fluffy red cloud. He's obviously in a chatty mood and I have no energy for it. I feel battle worn and vulnerable.

''I don't sleep much, always wake up randomly, and I need an aspirin.'' I start rummaging the drawers until I locate them and rifle in the refrigerator for a bottle of water to wash them down, suddenly aware that this has to be one of my most semitransparent nightgowns, and I am not wearing any underwear. Guess he will just have to suck it up and deal with it for once. It's not like I have body confidence issues anyway.

''That makes two of us. I can't remember the last time I slept more than four hours in a night.'' Alexi sounds tired and I glance back his way, noting that his normally subtle stubble is more prominent in the early hours of the day. It must grow fast, and I know he likes his early morning shaving routine, as I normally hear his razor going. Perks of co-habiting with him means I get to see him do normal mundane things like a mere human and it takes away that mystery a little bit. He's just a normal man with normal habits and doesn't come out of a factory with pre-perfected immaculateness.

''Well, you do tend to keep yourself up with a little bit of activity most nights you stay here, maybe bypass that and you will have more time for sleep.'' I flick my eyebrows at him, and he smiles softly. Aware that every weekend without fail he stays over and always with a new bimbo in tow.

''Doesn't seem to make a difference to you.'' He jibes back like a smart arse, reminding me of the sex ban he placed on me, and it just irritates my already tender feelings.


''Some of us have things other than sexual partners that keep us awake.'' I retort without thinking and curse myself out, I have this dumb need to overshare sometimes and I have no idea where it comes from. I told that stupid Sophie about my birth name and my past in a moment of weakness too. I'm my own worst enemy sometimes and you shouldn't give people like Alexi any weapons or information he can turn around on you.

The Carrero Contract - Selling Your Soul (Book 1 of Contract Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now