the day it was a year later

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one year later, maddie was back in Minnesota, and shawn was in Canada. they had been texting, face timing , and making calls to each other since the date in New York.

finally, they had made a plan to meet up in Canada. shawn had many things planned for him and maddie. they were so excited to see each other again.

maddie arrived at the airport, ready to leave, when the security found a large pinapple in her bag. "what do you think you are going to be doing with this?" said security " it's a gift for my boyfriend, do you have a problem with that?" said maddie "yes I do missy, this plane has a no weapon policy, as does every other one! pineapples could get very dangerous!" "but sir, I really need it!" "I'm sorry ma'am, but I'm going to have to remove this pinapple from your belongings." "this world is just so screwed up!" said maddie and stormed off.

as maddie started to board the plane, she was informed that she was to late. she was furious! "when is the next flight?" she asked. "in about an hour" said the flight attendant. maddie sighed, and went to go get a Starbucks and kill some time.

finally, she was ready to board the next flight, she got on and all was well. she sat next to someone who was already asleep. "if they are asleep they can't bother me!" thought maddie. but sadly the man was a sleep talker, and it made out to be a very long flight.

sometimes i almost die i new york • a beautiful shawn mendes love storyWhere stories live. Discover now