Dealing & Desire [pt. 1]

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{Hello everyone, it's me Author-chan! I'm finally back to feed you precious dears with more Hobi content! Hope you guys are ready for some drama because it's getting good now..}

I felt my breath hitch in my throat, the chills going up my spine, my own orbs glossing over and the sense of impending doom fall over me as multiple pistol heads appear slowly to aim at my forehead and only then did it sink in when I heard Emma's broken voice, shivering with tears say the words I couldn't speak- 

"I don't wanna die-.." I looked at Emma and her hopeless orbs pooled with tears as the sounds of muffled grunts of the shadow with the first hooded guy's gun still to his head. Quiet muttering between the first male and the other shady, armed figures who appeared from the dark of the alleyway, it was quick as two of the guns, purposefully pointed at me and Emma gestured hurryingly for us to follow them into the dark. 

Fearing for our lives, we didn't hesitate to follow after the hooded figures as they inched backwards into the dimly lit pathway and led us past the first hooded guy and his victim. As I was led past I snuck a look at the two, I couldn't see the hooded man's face but the look on the face of the guy being threatened as well as the tattoo on the gun hand would forever be etched in my mind. We were roughly shoved into a metal doorway, deep in the alleyway, away from common civilian eye as the distant piercing and unforgettable sound of a gunshot was heard off in the distant alleyway. A single hand coming up to cover my mouth as I swallow back a sob, then out of the corner of my eye in the metal ceiling way as we walked one after the other, the sound of a thud in front of me as blonde hair poked out from in front of the boots of the gunman following Emma. Before I could reach an arm out and scream for her there was a burning pain against my neck and everything from that point became a blur...

I could feel my heartbeat reverberating throughout my entire body as my eyelids refused to open, yet through the sound of my own shaky breaths I could make out talking. It faded in and out as my ears continued to ring, but the voices exchanging conversation seemed both nearby and rather calm. As I slowly gained enough strength to peel my eyelids open to a blurry vision of what seemed to be a rather fancy office.. what the hell? Immediately though, my mind went to darling Emma, is she alright? Mustering up even more strength I turned my head slowly to catch sight of porcelain skin and a mop of blonde waves groggily moving about allowing me to emit the breath held as a relieved sigh. Unfortunately, as I was too caught up in recovering I hadn't realized that the distant conversation has come to an end. Just as my vision had focused enough I could make out the details on a stressed and weak Emma, a looming shadow fell over us and through my peripheral vision I could see the outline of a person, and the color red.

-???'s POV, Wednesday-

I was seeing red, I was so pissed. Curling my hand into a fist, nails digging into my palm as I tried to focus on the incessant bickering of those stupid pigeons, but enough is enough. I slammed my fist against my polished dark wood desk, immediately causing the two dealers to pause and peer in my direction like the bug eyed idiots they were. Closing my eyes I composed myself by pushing the feeling of irritation down to my stomach as I adjusted my velvet suit jacket, 24 karot chain glistening under the light of the large chandelier swinging slightly overhead from the force of the strike against the table afront me. Looking between the two men I gather my thoughts, shoving my hands in my pocket feigning a bright smile, which was more unsettling than anything, one of my favorite intimidation tactics. 

As I made my way around the front of the desk I feigned a chuckle while massaging my forehead with one hand, digits ring riddled. "So... let me get this straight. You-.." using the hand already out of my pocket to point at the shivering doofus to my right. "trusted some other battery to deal the crystal I-.." I neared him at this point causing him to lean away subconsciously "work so.. f*cking hard to produce, so you can have money to feed your goddam family-..okay-" 

I then move my hand to point at the other chicken before slowly striding over to him. "and you, found this out.. and threatened him, so he could run away with the drugs to some other turf.." At this point I could feel my blood boiling again, I reached into my coat at lightning speed and fired into the ceiling a couple times. Before the idiots could scramble away I grab them by the hoods of their jackets and swing my arms around their shoulders. 

Catching sight of the cigarette packet peeking out of one of the guy's pockets, I skillfully reach into the pocket pulling out a single cigarette and taking my sweet time to place it between my lips ruffling his pocket for a lighter, letting them suffer in the silence and sense of dread. Finally lit I dropped the lighter on the floor taking a heavy puff finally pulling the slender cylinder from between the grasp of my teeth, exhaling the nicotine riddled smoke into their faces before bothering to speak, monotone. "If you don't fix this sh*t by-.." Flicking my wrist in front of their faces, them still being held in loose headlocks to reveal a pricey Rolex. "well.. in the next- I'll give you an hour because I'm nice. So-" Taking another pull from the cigarette in my watch hand. "If you don't come back by curfew-... Daddy's not gonna be happy. Anyone try to get involved, kill them on sight. Any witnesses you bring to me, got it?" The fools bobbled their heads, that's all they're good for it seems. "Good, now get the f*ck out of my sight f*cking rats-" As soon as they were released they ran out the door like roaches making me scoff at their uselessness. Still a little pissed I cursed under my breath running my hands through dark silky strands before making my way back to the throne-like chair behind the desk.

About an hour later I got a confirmation that the outsider was dealt with, about time wasn't it? Thinking they can make dealings with my gang I had built into an empire, now stretching into new territory. Not long later my secretary had brought my coffee, double shot americano, two sugars and a couple shot glasses of vodka, just how I like it. I looked at the plastic beauty as she brought the beverages bowing in respect before mildly bringing word from the two clowns that they are bringing in two witnesses, interesting. I wasn't really expecting for any witnesses as we are usually pretty discrete, but knowing how sloppy new recruits are I shouldn't be too surprised. I flash my own fake smile at the secretary, to be quite honest I never really liked her. I have multiple women in the gang as my secretaries as a form of protection for them from the rest of the gang, knowing how disgusting uncivilized apes could be. However, running errands for me was no joke, yet they seemed grateful enough to cope with whatever I throw at them, win-win I suppose. Waving her away I take a sip of the coffee only to realize that there were two women sprawled out on the couch at the far end of my office. So, two young ladies were the unlucky witnesses...interesting indeed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2021 ⏰

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