train ride 11 to 12 year olds

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* author here this part is just Cissia, Saphire, and Nova's view points on the train. to give a recap Cissia and Saphire is Hermion's children and Nova is Luna's apdopted child. Nova has a differant last name because she kept her birth last name which is Stev. have a good read, Author out* after i wrote this part i got tired nova will be in the next part 

  The train ride 

  The train ride 

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Cissia's pov

we had said goodbye to mom amd me and Saph got onto the train. i am gonna tell her i'm gonna slit up i thought because i want to meet new people.

 "hey Saph i am going to split up and meet some new people or find my friends from last year" i said . she agreed and i was off trying to see if i could find Zabini me and him were friends last year ( i almost forgot i wasn't writing a hufflepuff for a sec because i am horrible at writing slytherins because i don't have the confidence they have)

after awile i finally found him he was with is sister, Daisy i wasn't fond of her she wined alot. i said hi to Zane (Zabini's name) 

we chatted alot and got snacks when the trolley came around 

it was two hours into the trian ride and me and Zane were talking about what we think might happen this year

   he said "i hope it is a peaceful year i hated how much homework we had last year and how annoying those stairs were. "Agreed, i think should just invent elevators" i said back in the summer Mom took us to a muggle Mall that was fun 

at some point i dosed off i don't know when but when i woke up it was time to go

first time on the train to hogwarts

first time on the train to hogwarts

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Saphire's pov

i had entered the traain with Sia and she said "i'm going to go look for some new friends or the friends i had last year" i agreed with her and she was off 

i looked around and eventaully found Lily she was with Nino and Nova. truth be told it took me a hour and a half to fin them didn't relise the train had multiple parts to it.

we chatted and did alot in the first few hours her is what we did in order

1 and half into the train ride

we were talking about our pets Nino had a toad, Nova had a owl just like me, and lastly Lily had a cat named Yuni which i found cute 

"yea when i saw Yuni i had begged my dad to get her since he isn't a giant cat fan but to my luck mom is" Lily had said that i started to say how i got Nora my owl when i go interupted by Nino's toad Quin got lost 

it took us awhile to find Quinn but when we did we went to the next activity

we read for hours because we were tired from looking for Quinn

i was reading Hogwarts: a great history, mom was telling me how it is one of her favorites which i found cool that i also liked it 

after that we just played mini games like truth or dare and we played tik-tak-toe which is a muggle game but it was fun

at this point after lkike 30 minutes of playing those mini games it was time to go find out what house i was in i was nervous

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