Pancakes, Please

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Awsten woke up to the gentle knocks at his- well- Geoff's door.

"Are you wearing clothes?" Geoff yelled from the other side. Awsten inhaled deeply before responding,

"Uhm... I mean." Awsten looked down. He didn't wear shirts to bed, it wasn't comfortable, "kinda?"

"Is it a level where you're comfortable if I come in?"

"Yeah." Awsten nodded to himself, he was wearing a bra so Geoff shouldn't care that much. He opened the door, looking at Awsten before quickly turning away.

"Okay, I thought you would be wearing way more then that." Geoff furrowed his eyebrows and went to his drawers to grab clothes. Awsten watched his eye occasionally drift to the side then snap back, he got up and walked over to Geoff, crossing his arms.

"Can I have a shirt..?" Awsten waited until he pulled out a shirt and blindly handed it to him.

"You could look me in my eyes you know... You did it all summer of 8th grade when I wore that bikini everyday that barely covered my nipples." Awsten was very confused. Geoff was acting strange, he had seen Awsten in a bra before. Why so weird now?

"Yeah... I never understood that." Geoff pressed his lips together. Awsten pulled he shirt on, stupid CKY, Camp Kill Yourself shirt.

"Geoff, you know I don't like this band." Awsten bit his lip, looking up at Geoff, "the name is very.."

"I don't care how sinful it is, you're stuck in that. Sorry." Geoff finally looked at him and patted his much lower head.

"What if I get cold?" Awsten quickly gave him the puppy eyes. Geoff went over to his closet and gave him a My Chemical Romance hoodie.

"Thanks Geoff!" Awsten smiled and pulled it over the shirt.


They quickly got sat at a table, picking up their menus.

"What do you want?" Geoff asked, putting his menu flat on the table. They never really needed the menu, but checking to see if there were new items was never a bad decision.

"Guess." Awsten smiled, putting his menu on top of Geoff's.

"Pancakes with butter and banana slices." Geoff winked at him, smiling back.

"What about my drink?" Awsten crossed his arms and smiled.

"I didn't forget about your stupid chocolate milk." Geoff looked over to the side as a nice young woman stood before them.

"What do you guys want to drink?"  She targeting Geoff first, staring deeply into his eyes. She blushed a bit as he started talking.

"We are actually ready to order." Geoff smiled at her, Awsten placed his chin in his hand.

"Okay!" She cheered as he began,

"Can I have eggs with a water and a side of bacon?" Geoff asked, watching her nod. Before he could say Awsten's order she snapped her head towards him.

"And what do you want?" She looked so much meaner then she did before. Awsten felt a knot in his throat, his face fired up. She couldn't speak, nothing came out. Nothing could come out, he felt dizzy.

"He wants pancakes with butter and bananas with a chocolate milk." Geoff watched her write it down before she left. Awsten still breathed heavily, putting his hands on each side of his head and keeping his focus on the table. He felt a presence slide next to him and a hand lay on his back.

"You wanna cry?" Geoff whispered, watching him nod, "okay... C'mon I'm right here." Awsten moved to Geoff's chest and began to cry. Geoff placed a hand on his head and sighed. This happened a lot Awsten couldn't talk to strangers, every time he was put on the spotlight like at dinner or school he would freak out, but Geoff was there to help him. To keep him safe.

"Those pancakes are gonna taste soo good." Geoff gently rubbed Awsten's back, "right?"

"Th-they always do.." Awsten said quietly and Geoff nodded. It was quite for a little bit before finally the drinks were at the table, but Awsten still hadn't moved.

"Hey! Your chocolate milk is here!" Geoff picked it up and handed it to Awsten. He turned over still laying the side of his head on Awsten then took the chocolate milk and began sipping at it slowly.

"I'm sorry." Awsten said once his mouth parted from the straw and scooted off of him.

"It's okay Aws, you cant help it. I'll stay right here, okay? Incase you need me again." Geoff smiled and tapped his fingers against the table. Geoff wasn't always so hardcore. He had a soft spot for his best friend, but Geoff would never like him ever like Awsten did. Awsten loved Geoff and Geoff loved him back! But Awsten loved him way more then Geoff loved him. Geoff's love was platonic, Awsten thought more of it.

The rest of breakfast went smoothly, Geoff paid even with Awsten's plea's telling him not to. They were sat in the car talking, they usually did this. It was fun.

"You got Otto Wood in your class?" Geoff raised an eyebrow, pulling out a cigarette. Awsten snatched the cig before he could start,

"Uhm... No.." Awsten lied. He felt Geoff rip it back and just put it in the box. Awsten had actually been bullied by Otto, but he would never tell Geoff that.

"You want to know why I really want you to sleepover?" Geoff whispered for no particular reason.

"Why?" Awsten prayed and hoped in his mind that Geoff wanted to cuddle him, but no.

"I wanna take you to your first high-school party." Geoff smiled watching as Awsten's face dropped.

"Party? Are you sure that's a good idea? What if theres drugs? And alcohol? And-" Awsten could go on, but Geoff stopped him.

"You cant have a boring high-school life Aws! Can I just brighten it up a little?"

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