Not His Type

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Will was happy with his new relationship, to say the least.

In fact, there was only one thing bothering him.

That thing just so happened to be Perseus Jackson.

Every singletime Percy saw him and Nico, he'd start muttering. Will knew that Percy wasn't a homophobe or anything, as he had been one of the first to congratulate them and show that he was happy for the pair.

So Will had no idea what it was about.

Even Nico seemed to know, which pissed Will off even more.

So..... He decided to confront Nico about it.


"Yeah Will?"

"What the actual fuckis up with Percy?"

Nico burst into laughter.

Will scowled.

(A/N The roles have been reversed!! XD)

"Oh.... That." Nico chuckled as his laughter died down. He then proceeded to tell Will what he had told Percy before the three days started.

"That's what he's been muttering about these past fourmonths?" Will laughed.

"Yep!" the younger boy grinned.

* * *

A few days later, Will surprised Nico with a random question.

"So what exactly is your type?"

Percy happened to hear this and he turned to Nico, an expectant look on his face.

"Yeah, Nico. What's your type?"

Nico looked Will dead in the eye, seriousness masking the mischievous twinkle in his dark eyes.

"Not Percy."

The couple burst out laughing as the green eyed boy threw up his arms in exasperation, storming off whilst declaring that he was everybody's type.

"Seriously though." Will said after they finished their laughing fit. "What's your type?"

Nico rolled his eyes before answering.

"It's you, dumbass."



So so so so so so sorry!!!!!

I had no inspiration, but then this happened!!!

Plus, I've had loads of school work and I had a headache today and everything's a mess right now, but I still should've updated!!!!!

Sorry, guys.

I actually got someone asking me to update during writing this! XD



~ Bookworm

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