Chapter 8: Skylar

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"Colton, you know you really should go visit mom. The doctor said she's in a really good mindset at the moment." I look at him over my extra sugary cereal. He gives me a drop-it look but as his little sister its my solemn duty to ignore those looks. "I'm serious, she hasn't had another episode after I saw her those few weeks ago which is kind of insane."

"Will you drop it if I go?" Comes his sullen response.

I nod eagerly and jump up to wash my bowl out, "it'll be good for you as well, you'll see. But anyways I'm gonna head to the gym for a workout. Don't forget I'm fighting Tony at Kincaid tonight."

"Just for the record I still don't think its a good idea. Tony 'The Bulldog' Ramona is definitely not someone you should go up against for your second or third match." He runs a concerned look over my face, "who is even doing these matchups?"

"Third! Remember I absolutely wasted Johnny Bravo last week." I throw a punch in the air as if it was the punch that knocked Bravo on his ass. "June is organising all my fights, you know that! Anyways I'm off, Love you!"


As I'm suiting up in my disguise for the fight I hear a particular voice who sends a thrill down my back. Taylor came. He came to my fight. I wonder why. Maybe just scoping out his competition, Tony.

The two have had an intense rivalry over the last few years which came to a head last year when they went face on for the championship title. Taylor obviously won and Tony had to live with just being second best. Again.

Pressing my ear to the door I try to hear what he's saying, he must be pretty close to the door for me to have heard him in the first place.

"Thanks... yeah... he's good, trying... a good opponent, " I could scarcely make out what his saying but I think its about Tony. I sigh wishing I could know how he felt about me before scoffing. What a ridiculous notion. He hates me. Me, Skylar and me, the wolf. "You're his agent right?" Taylor must be talking to June now.

"Ye- uh- yeah that's me." June clears her throat again and I just know Taylor must've given her his full mega-watt smile. A women of any age would find that incredibly hard to resist.

"Have you been scheduling his fights? Because as a fighter I must tell you that they are terrible. Kids got potential but throwing him at the big fish before he can even become a small one is a terrible strategy and even worse for his unbeatable title." Taylor has this serious tone to his voice that I've never even heard and I can't even think about the fact that he just stood up for his opponent. Wow.

While I was still processing what they were saying I missed their footsteps nearing the door I was leaning against. A knock on the door knocks me out of my contemplation.

"Volkov, can we come in?" Junes sweet as sugar voices come through. I start to panic as I think about her using my surname. The one I share with my brother.

"Yep." I drop my voice to hopefully disguise my normal pitch. Ive luckily already finished dressing up and was gonna leave before I heard his voice.

"You know I have a friend with the same surname. He's also quite a boxer, not as good as you, mind you, but good enough. Maybe you guys are long lost cousins." Are Taylors first words directed at me.

Seeing him in front of me I can't think. He's looking at me like a friend. Not glaring or throwing suggestive looks but just a calm clear look in his eyes and a small happy smile. "Huh maybe." I decided one- word answers are everything I can do at the moment. He also just said I was better than Colton. Oh god, if I could I would one hundred percent swoon right now.

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