Chapter 6 - Nul (6)

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Nul departed while Roran and Kell packed up their gear and left the training room. Kell led them outside and Roran enjoyed the sensation of walking outside for a change.

"Why are there so many tunnels and hallways all over the city?" asked Roran. "Why don't they have more open streets?"

"Because the city can't expand any further, so everyone builds up and down," said Kell. "The border can't grow wider, so people either head for the sky or down into the earth. There's practically a whole city below us, I'll take you to some of the nicer places down there sometime. The surface tunnels are just to avoid crowding."

After enjoying the sunshine and fresh air, Roran let himself be guided back inside when they hit a crowded street. They only went a couple of blocks further before Roran realized they had arrived at their destination. The air became muggy and warm and the smell of soap greeted them as they ducked into a building made of brick and stone.

"It isn't as nice as Dez's bathhouse, but it's close to home." Kell handed Roran a handful of coins. "The baths are single use, get clean then meet me out front, Nul will get mad if we keep them waiting too long."

Roran did his best to rush through the back, but his hands were sore and the hot water found its way into some of his blisters. Hissing through the pain, Roran scrubbed out the wounds and rushed through his bath. He found Kell already clean and waiting for him outside the bathhouse by the time he was done.

"How are the hands?" she asked.


"Yeah, I bet. I didn't go easy on you. We've got some salve back home. Come on, let's hurry. Nul is probably already waiting in the workshop."

They rushed back to the apartment building and up the stairs. Between the exercise and the hot bath, Roran was gasping for air by the time made it back to the apartment. He was flushed and his skin burned from the day's exertion. Kell was waiting for him at the door, not remotely out of breath, smiling.

"Don't worry, we'll work on your stamina," she said, and headed inside.

Inside the apartment, a jug of water and a couple glasses were waiting for them in the kitchen. Roran poured himself a glass and chugged it down before pouring himself another. Kell ignored the water and yelled, "Nul, you in the workshop?"

"Yes," Nul answered, "come in once Roran has recovered. I want him to see the process."

Kell rolled her eyes and gestured for Roran to hurry up.

"And don't rush him," yelled Nul again, "not everyone has inhuman stamina like you."

Kell stuck her tongue out in the direction of the workshop, but didn't say anything further. Once Roran could breathe again, Kell led him into the small room next to Nul's living quarters.

The workshop was simultaneously spacious and cramped. The room was big but packed full of bookshelves, shelfs full of tools, a case full of bottles of all shapes and sizes, and a variety of strange items Roran had never seen before. Sheafs of paper were hung up on the wall, a myriad of designs and drawings inked into them. Nul sat at the desk, making some adjustments to a sheaf of paper as they came in.

"Perfect timing," said Nul, "I'm almost ready."

"Are we going with the old design or did you finish the new diagrams you wanted to try?"

"A little of both," said Nul. "I'm using your old sigil as a base, but I'll be doing two smaller versions instead of one, and I'll be tying them to a series of smaller runes across your body."

"Sounds good."

Nul turned to Roran. "Have you ever seen this done before?"

Roran shook his head.

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