~21~:Final Choice

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"What exactly are you gonna talk about with me??" Error asked Reaper
They are now at the Anti-Void tho
"I really don't know if we really should believe on you two to be with Ink..." Reaper muttered
"What are you-" Error was gonna finish his sentence until Reaper cut him off
"Do you trust me? Or...do you believe me?" Reaper asked
Error just gave him a smug look
"U know what? I don't understand you and Cross anymore-"
"I trust you and Nightmare to be with Ink..." Reaper trailed
"So please don't tell this to anyone else for the sake of our roles
Cross,and Ink are my brothers" Reaper finished
Error was surprised and silent for a moment
'I know he never lies but...' Error thought, he really don't know if he should believe or not on what Reaper just said
"Hellooo,Anti-Void to Error
I still have more jobs to do" Reaper grumbled,making Error snap back to reality
"O-oh uh...um...I mean... WHAT!?" Error asked in surprise expression
"I know right,I'm the oldest
Cross is the second,and Ink's the youngest, so u should treat him better than we do....
If something went wrong to Ink,we don't have any choice to blame it to you and Nightmare....
You'll face the consequences if u two dare hurt him" Reaper deadpanned as he stood up
"W-wait! How did you three are brothers?!" Error asked confusedly
"Just that's it,I don't have any time to talk now,so bye" Reaper said as he teleported away
"Damn.." Error muttered
"That's why the two acted weird when it comes to Ink..." He added

Error's POV

After Reaper left my place,I started knitting for a while...
10 mins later
I was now done then sat up and started stretching until my phone rang all of the sudden
I grabbed my phone from my pocket to see it was Nightmare
I accept it
"Oi Error,goodnight- I mean goodeve" Nightmare said through the phone
"Sup" I greeted back
"*sigh* We should tell him already together tomorrow" he muttered
"What do you-"
"Just confess to him tomorrow how we feel!,I know it's really a bad idea but I couldn't take it anymore"

-next day-

Ink's POV

I woke up to see the sun shines through my window
I sat up and started stretching
Yesterday was awesome
I then stood up then went to my bathroom to clean
After I clean myself, I exited my room and greeted by the delicious smell of the breakfast
"Oh hey Ink! Good morning!" Blue exclaimed who was cleaning the table while Dream was cooking for our breakfast
"Good morning Ink!" Dream greeted without even looking at me
I just greeted them back
I was about to talk until the front door was burst by Error and Nightmare
"GOODMORNING INK! WE HAVE SOMETHING TO TELL YOU!" Both of them sync and ran towards me as they started panting from exhaustion
"Oh hey guys good morning to u too,what is it you two are gonna tell me?" I asked
They then stood straight and started clearing their throats

"Well..it's time for you to choose between us..." Nightmare muttered
"Aww I can't believe this is really happening!" Dream squealed from behind me
I can feel him and Blue are watching us how we go
"To choose,which one of us for you to be with" Error said
I do love them both but..
I couldn't choose which one of them is gonna be mine and with me forever...
"Both of you really do love me right?" I asked,making sure of something
They both nodded
"If I choose one of you...I'll be hurting the other so I don't want that.I...I love you BOTH!" I exclaimed

The two was just shock tho
"Ayiiiiieeeeeee I can't believe this is really happening!!!" Blue squealed
"You mean...you're attracted to me and Nightmare?" Error asked
I nodded and started blushing
"We've put you in a difficult situation right?" Nightmare asked
I nodded again
"Having to choose between two people I like is offensive.." I muttered
Error and Nightmare started to look at each other before looking back at me
"I suppose,maybe..if it will make Ink better,I might be willing to share him with you...Nightmare" Error said
"Well...I agree to that,for Ink's sake" Nightmare replied
I then gave them a warm smile

"Really? You'd be willing to share me?" I asked
They both nodded
"For your happiness" Both of them sync
I then hugged them both as they return the feeling
"Awwww!! So sweeet! I'm cryin in happiness right now!!" Dream squealed
"Me tooo!!!" Blue exclaimed
We are still hugging at each other until I smell something burning...
"Uh...do u smell that?" I quietly asked as we pulled away from the hug
"*GASP* The pancake!!!" Dream screamed as he ran back to the stove
We noticed the kitchen was now covering with smoke
"Now you burned them this time!" Blue exclaimed
"Well this is my first time burning the food unlike you!" Dream said
I then started to hear some chuckles from Nightmare and Error
I giggled
Finally... I'm with the someone I loved the most,Error and Nightmare
I love the both of them
I'm also happy that they really do love me back
I also hope that this will go well....

"𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗳𝗶𝗱𝗮𝗻𝘁𝘀"(ErrorInkMare/Error x Ink x Nightmare)Where stories live. Discover now