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They then finally arrived at the beautiful carnival
More people surrounds them,watching some shows that making them happy
Some are playing carnival games
Riding the rides full of joy and more
"*You asked Sans if you can ride the roller coaster" Frisk said
Sans just stared at them for a while
"Hmm...I dunno kid,are you sure you wanna ride that scary ride....and I don't think that's for kids" Sans stated who looked back at the roller coaster
"*You told Sans that you would like to ride with him,and you are not scared also" Frisk said
Sans just let out a sigh and just agreed to Frisk
"*gasp* I can't believe I grabbed a free teddy bear from the inside!" Ink exclaimed who just played one of the carnival games with Error and Nightmare
"Well congrats" Nightmare told him
"You're cool" Error calmly said as Ink started giggling
"Oh Ink,you want some cotton candy?" Nightmare asked who just brought two cotton candies
"Ink,how about mango shake,it's more delicious" Error said who just brought two mango shakes

"Aww you guys are so sweet
Both of your offers are the best~" Ink cooed as he kept his fluffy teddy bear and accepted the offers from Error and Nightmare
'He's always so cute and sweet' Both Error and Nightmare thought
Ink began eating the foods,same as Error and Nightmare
"Oh guys,how about we play on that booth!" Ink exclaimed who was pointing at the booth with fake guns to where you shoot at the far target
"Sure,that sounds fun" Error said as Nightmare nodded in agreement
The three of them went to the 'Shooting the Target' booth then paid and started going on their positions
The time started as they began using their fake guns to shoot the far away targets
The more they will hit,the bigger prize they will have
Ink silently whined as he couldn't really hit more while Error and Nightmare was so focused on their targets
After that,Error and Nightmare got the bigger prize! While Ink...just little cuz he just hit 4 or 5..

"Aww it's okay Inky,here,have mine" Error said while patting Ink's skull as he started to give his prize to Ink
"N-no thanks Error,I'm good and it's yours anyways" Ink muttered
"Ey guys,how about that 'Horror Train'?" Nightmare asked who pointed at the ride he wanted to ride with them
"That's interesting! Right Inky?" Error asked
Ink was internally scared
"Y-yeah that's seems great" he lied
He may be joined the Horror Maze but he's still scared in the new creepy place
"Yeah let's go!" Nightmare exclaimed as no one really noticed Ink was actually scared
"Ya know Ink,this was like the Horror Maze you guys planned but,don't worry,this one is just not scary as yours" Error said
"Yeah,your 'Horror Maze' almost killed us from creeping us out" Nightmare muttered
Ink somehow got relaxed a bit

They finally had a ride
It didn't took long,Ink's fear started to rise up again
After the ride,they exited that place
Ink was still visibly trembling, they regretted riding that ride
"Aww Ink,you could've told us the truth" Error muttered
"Yeah,we won't ride that ride if you told us" Nightmare said
"I don't want to ruin your fun.." Ink sadly said
Error then gently tapped Ink's shoulder as Ink looked up at him
"Ink,it's always fine for us,just for your happiness" Error calmly said
"How about your happiness...?" Ink asked which made the two tensed up
Error and Nightmare stared at each other for a while before embracing Ink
Ink of course embraced back
"That's how we show our love for you" Nightmare muttered
"You are our happiness Ink
If you are sad then we are sad too
You are everything for us,remember that
If u didn't appeared in our life,the world may be chaos right now" Error calmly said
"Indeed.." Nightmare agreed
"Thank u guys so much.."

They are still enjoying the embrace with each other until...
"So my thinking was right,you three are more than just friends" it was Classic
The three suddenly pulled away from the embrace
"U-uh w-we can explain!" Ink stuttered,the three of them was now anxious,Classic's expression was serious
"*You asked them if they were actually lovers" Frisk asked
Ink looked down,feeling ashamed
"Y-yeah...we're lovers..." Ink muttered
"Yeah,go on,judge us whenever you want,we don't care" Error grumbled
"*You told them that you understand them" Frisk said
Ink then stared at Frisk
"Really?" Ink asked,some glimmer of hope rising on him
"*You told them yes,love isn't just for only two people and different genders,love is a commitment
It is anything and everywhere in the world" Frisk calmly said
Which the Sanses just looked at them in shock
"Heh,nice one kid
Well..I don't really judge you guys...
Frisk is right
It's just...I was just shock
So...take care as always and have a nice night" Classic told them
The three smiled in happiness
"Thank you"

After that
Classic and the human already went to their home
While the lovers moved on on the last ride they wanna ride
The Ferris Wheel🎡
They are now already at the ride tho and it started moving
"This is relaxing" Error calmly said
"Woah guys! Look at that view!!!" Ink exclaimed happily
His pupils turned into star shapes
It was dark already but they still see the beautiful lights from below,from the city,and from the sky
"*gasp* the moon is so beautiful also!" Ink exclaimed as he started talking more,adding some details of the view, picturing it,and more with joyful thoughts
While Error and Nightmare are just staring at him
Enjoying the sight of Ink being so happy with them
They love how he tell stories,his voice,his eyes,and more
Not even listening to what Ink was talking
"-and then more just like how our life cycle!" Ink finished
'So adorable..' Error thought
'So exquisite..' Nightmare thought
Both of them are blushing while staring at Ink

Ink then suddenly sat at the middle
Which made the two flinch a bit
"U didn't listen what I said,didn't you?" Ink asked the two as the two started to sweat
"O-of course we listened!" Error and Nightmare sync,they don't want to hurt their Inky's feelings
Ink just laid his head down on Error's shoulder while Nightmare started glaring at Error
"I love you guys..." Ink muttered
"Heh,we love you too Inky" Error and Nightmare sync
They are still enjoying the view and how the Ferris Wheel move

"𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗳𝗶𝗱𝗮𝗻𝘁𝘀"(ErrorInkMare/Error x Ink x Nightmare)Where stories live. Discover now