Blood Promise

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"Come onnnnn, just a taste?"




Toga frowned, and let out a huff. "Meanie.." Y/N sighed, and turned up the volume of the tv. It was on the news, covering the recent things happening in Deika City. Toga paid no attention, instead holding her head in her hands. Her face was bright red and flecks of drool dribbled down her chin. "Just a drop...A drop of your sweet, warm, juicy-"

Y/N groaned loudly. "For fucks sakes..." He sighed, and stood up. "If you shut up, then you can have some." Toga's face lit up, and a massive smile crossed her face. "Really?! Deal!"

Y/N sighed again, before pulling up his sleeve. "Alright, let me get something sharp." Toga pulled a knife out of her dress, holding it out in front of her. "How did you-?" He shook his head. "Never mind. Give it here." She clutched it close to her chest, a defiant grin crossing her face. "Nooooo, I wanna do it!"

Y/N groaned in annoyance and rubbed his eyes. "Jesus Christ...Alright." He stuck his arm out to her. Without a hint of hesitation, she plunged the knife as deep as she could into his forearm, then yanked it back out. The knife was mostly still clean, though there were a few speckles of deep red blood on its blade.

She licked the blood off the blade, her face growing red as she did so. When she finished, she let out a satisfied sigh. "Amazing~" She muttered, clutching her head in her hands. "The most delicious thing I've ever tasted.." She sighed. "Right...Well, now that you've had your fill..." He went to leave, but she grabbed his arm before he could.

She took his arm up to her mouth and bit down on it. Y/N's breathe hitched as he felt her wet, hot tongue run over where the wound once was. After a moment he snapped out of his surprise, and yanked his arm out of her mouth. "What the hell?!" He shouted, wiping the spot she had bitten. "What gives? Where's the blood?" She groaned, giving him an upset glare.

"It's my quirk. That doesn't excuse the fact that you FUCKING BIT ME!" He shouted, and she rolled her eyes. "Fine, fine. I'm sorry. There, you happy now?" Y/N stared at her for a moment, his anger bubbling up inside him. Then sighed, as it started to fade.

"Sure you are. God, if your legs weren't useless, I would've kicked you out yesterday. You're lucky I'm so nice." Toga giggled. "Thanks~" Her smile vanished as she resumed a serious expression. "Now, explain your quirk."

Y/N groaned and sat back down. "Right.." He thought for a minute. "My quirk did something to my nervous and circulatory system. I can't feel it when I get hurt, my body doesn't have much blood in it and my wounds heal up pretty quick. Don't ask me how it works, because I really don't know." Toga let out an interested "Oooh."

"So, I could stab you as much as I wanted and you'd never feel a thing?" Y/N narrowed his eyes. "Yes...But don't." "Why not?" Y/N gave her a deadpan expression. "Because....Stabbing people......Is bad." He spoke to her in the same way one would scold a child. She huffed, before turning back to the tv. "Meanie.." She muttered under her breath, and Y/N also focused back onto the tv, which was still covering the destruction of the city.

"Man, they did a number on that place..." He watched as the camera panned around, showing collapsed buildings and smoking ruins. "Yeah, it was crazy!" "You were there?" She nodded eagerly. "Yep! Those liberation army dudes were really mean..They tried to kill me!" "I wonder why..." Y/N thinks. "I got away though, and made them all hit the ground hard..Then I ended up at your place, and now I'm stuck here!" Her excitement almost gets a laugh out of Y/N. "You're telling me your happy to be here, stuck with two broken legs?"

"Yep!" She shouts gleefully. "It means I get to be with your delicious, red blood!" Her face glows red at the thought of it. "Speaking of..."

"Oh my fucking god." Before Y/N could say anything else, his pocket began to buzz. He reached in and grabbed his phone and, seeing it read "business" grew a smile. Toga watched him curiously as he answered it.

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