MLP show DR #2

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Name: Scootaloo Twlight Dawn Dash

Parents: Bow Hothoof (birth father), Windy Whistles (birth mother), Twilight Velvet (adoptive mom), Night Light (adoptive dad)

Siblings: Rainbow Dash (older biological sister), Twilight sparkle (older adoptive sister), Shinning Armor (older adoptive brother), Cadence (sister-in-law), Rainbow Starlight (older brother biological brother), Tender Hoof (little brother), Orange Blossom (twin sister),Red Thunderstrike (little brother)

Pony type: Alcorn. My birth family and I are all born Alicorns.

Species: Alicorn pony in Equestria/Diomand Crystal but in the Equstria Girls world I am a half wolfblood and half winx fairy. This is true for my biological family too.

Appernce: My true appearance is different from my disguised one.

Disguised appearance:

Past: I was born to Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles 3 years after Rainbow dash and 4 yeats after Rainbow Starlight. My twin sister Orange sister is born 5 mintues later. 3 years later Red Thunderstrike and Tender Hoof are born. My siblings and parents have all grown up in both the equstria world and the Equestria girls universe. So half of the year we grew up in Equestria and the other half we grew up in the equstria girls world. My parents become the Queen and King of a neighboring kingdom of Equestria called Diamond Crystal. They are also the Queen and King of Hawaii,Spain,Russia,Belgium,Canada,USA, Tir Nan Org and Northern Hemisphere,and Scotland. We grow up as normal ponies/people but when I'm 12 my family and I find out were royalty. In human years we are 14 and at 13 a evil sorceresses named Corazon primvera tries to harm the royal family. Corazon Primvera is locked up but to make sure we are all safe. They make me forget my past and the only memories they can replace in my head before I leave is the fact I was adopted by Twilight Velvet and Night Light. So that makes Twlight Sparkle and Shinning Armor as my siblings. No one remmbers my past. My siblings Tender Hoof, Orange Blossom and Red Thunderstrike keep their memories but they get new disguises and backstories (they live with the royal gaurds who act as their guardians). Rainbow dash and our parents got new identities and appearances but live together.

Present: the night before my first day rainbow dash comes clean to twlight about the truth. Twilight, Rainbow Dash and I end up going on a sister day out. The next day my adoptive family gets invited to rainbow dash's house for dinner and to talk with their family. They reveal the whole truth about the past and why we did it. How it's safe to go back home and be ourselves again. They show the legal documents and pictures. The third day they have a talk with my biological sisters and I about being co-heir apparents of our kingdoms. Rainbow dash did block out the fact I was a sister to her for a bit but came to see me as one and remmbered I'm her sister. Sweetie Bell and Apple Blooms family come with us to see this other world. I end up getting my memories back..

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