Part 8

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Trigger Warnings in the description! Enjoy :)

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"This is bad." Ranboo said, pacing back and forth across the room.

"You think?!" Mikale yelped, distressed. He had sat on the couch with his knees tucked in pretty much as soon as the news was delivered. After all, his parents were with the revolution.

"Yes." Ranboo mumbled, thinking. "And my mom hasn't come home yet! She could be injured too!"

"No." His father rasped. "I went by the hospital before I went to confront the revolution leader, and I told her to stay in the hospital to care for patients."

Ranboo sighed in relief. "Good."

The injured king sighed as well, but for different reasons. "I'm their main target, Ranboo. Which means you're in danger too, because they will come here to find me. You need to-"

"No!" Ranboo shouted, shocked. "I'm not leaving you!"

"Nor me." Said Mikale with a quivering voice.

His father tried to protest, then sighed. "Fine. Okay. Then at least let's-" The sound of footsteps coming from outside the house interrupted him.

Ranboo had the crystal in his hand and arching his arm for a throw in a moment's notice. Then it softly yelped "Stop! It's me!"

Ranboo lowered the crystal and rushed to give his mom a hug.

"What are you doing here?! You should be at the hospital!" Ranboo cried at the same time she said "You're safe! I was so worried!"

"But really why?" Ranboo pressed.

"I had to see you were safe, of course! Anyway, where's your dad..." Ranboo's mom looked around and choked a shriek of dismay when she saw the beaten, bruised, and bloody king resting on a chair.

"Eliath!" She cried, rushing over. "What happened?!"

"It's okay... I'm fine." Ranboo's father said. "The purples fought. That's all."

"That's all?!" She nearly screamed. "They could've killed you! You know that!"

"I know! I know. Calm down. I'm fine now. See?"

"I'll calm down when I know you're fine. I was worried sick! You haven't seen the worst of the battle!"

Eliath's eyes widened. "If there's a battle you would be in the hospital helping the injured. So why aren't you?"

The healer's green eyes glowed with sorrow. "You haven't heard?" She asked softly.

"Heard what?" Ranboo's dad asked, suddenly sounding weary.

"The purples aren't just fighting back. They're killing." His mother whispered. "All the green eyes, both adults and children. They're even smashing eggs. It's genocide."


She paused, then shook her head. "It's true."


Ranboo's mother focused herself into checking the grieving king's wounds. "These look fine..." she murmured.

"See?" Ranboo's father said in total despair. "I get to be fine but they don't!"

"This one is deep." She said, "But it is perfectly wrapped. Just the right amount of pressure. Who did it?"

"Mikale did." Ranboo said.

"Yeah..." Mikale whispered softly. "I read about treating that kind of wound in a book..."

"You would make a good doctor." Ranboo's mom praised.

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