3 Months later Tayvon and akeira gotten closer these last few months everything been going good between them they both feeling like each other. ________Atlanta Tayvon Shakour i woke up and got myself together until I heard dings from my phone Dabros💪🏾. aiyden:yo wtm today?trap? Mamas❤️ big head call me . after I seen the texts I txted the guys back and called Keira . "hey mama " "hey big head,what are you doing today?" "shit nun fr fr ima be with the bros but after that I'll come to ya" "aww you miss me huh,but alright just let me know when " "Humble yo self"I said laughing "but alright ima hit you later " "ok talk to you later "she said hanging up "fasho "he said getting his gun and leaving out the door
•• hours later Akeira west
"So what's up with you and tayvon Keira ?"monae asked me while scrolling on her phone "I mean he cool,we cooling talking taking it slow " "oh ok,y'all cute I'm happy for you I'm glad your really actually giving someone a chance " "yeah I can't be lonely forever I guess " monae was bout to say something else until Keira's phone started ringing "hello?" "wassup mama,you ate?" "no I didn't" "mmtch what you want guh?" "Chick-fil-A or wingstop plz !but if you get wingstop get the boneless chicken all flavor " "Ight fasho I'll let you know when I'm here" "ok" "Ouu girl look like yo dick appointment comin " "Girl shut the hell up,we didn't even have sex" "Yet"I rolled my eyes at her comment she do entirely to much😫😂 "but ima get going boo I'll text you later " "Ok byee I love youu"I said hugging her "I love you more"she said leaving i washed my body up again in the shower and after I dried myself I put on my door pink onesie after that I posted it on insta.
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@keiraforshort:gimmie smooch 💋(swipe) liked by @kimiadatbtc37,@naenaedadonn_,@Taytay178 and 11,455 others. @Kimiadatbtc37:sexy🥵 ↩️:thank you 😘 @naenaedadonn_:wait cuz bitch ,you look good🥰 ↩️:thanks luv❤️ @Taytay178:👀👀 ↩️:🥰🥰 view other comments yasss new faceclajm I love it !what y'all think?
i looked down at phone seeing tay was calling and looked outside and opened the door looking at him as he walking in. "wassup mama mb it took long it was packed in da wingstop place " "your fine "I said closing the door watching him put the food down.
Omniscient tayvon walks closer to her looking her up and down licking his lips with his eyes low red smirking "what you looking at me like that for tay?" "Hm I can't stare at you?you gorgeous and sexy as fuck" "I never said that but thank you ,you look good to " "I missed you "she said hugging his sides tightly but not to tight. "I missed you to "he said while putting his head in the crook of her neck "Damn you smell good asf" before she could say anything he started kissing her slowly picking her up having her wrap her legs around his waist "Tay the food "she said mumbling into the kissing they were giving each other he then lays her down on da bed starts sucking her neck rubbing her pussy "I-uh taytay the food is going to get cold " "man can it wait ma ?" "No im hungry ,we can continue this after " "mhm "he said while taking his pants off . "What is you doing ?" "Nigga I'm bout to change " "You took a shower?" "been took a shower fool before I called you to tell u I was on da way" "Oh ok"she said getting up • • • • Akeira and tayvon were laying in the bed watching Netflix until his phone was going off with tons of missed calls,tayvon checked his phone "who is that blowing yo phone up?" "shii..Idek some crazy mf" she looked at him and tried to see if he was lying or not "we not even together so I can't even be mad"she said moving off him "fuck up akeira real talk ,idk why you even say that shit ,Ian fucking with nobody if that's what you thinking g" "okay,whatever" "I think it's this crazy ass girl tho fr that I used to date..ion have no feelings for her tho she dead to me but I'm not understanding how she found my number even when I block the old numbers she text me from new ones mama..ong I don't even show that bitch attention " tayvon really never got to the point where he gotta call another female a bitch he don't even like it but it was getting annoying atp . "hmm one of those ,but I'm not gonna rush you or anything taytay,I believe you whenever your ready to tell me what happened I understand " "Ight mama but I blocked her ..these bitches not even worth it you get all of me literally shorty" he said while bringing her towards him cuddled with her kissing her ,she kissed him back. "okay yeah you ain't dumb ,let's go to sleep " "mm"he mumbled in the crook of her neck dozing off "goodnight tay" "goodnight mama "
looks like tayvon gotta crazy "ex" that has been blowing tayvon's phone up👀