"All right who will go"said wave. "What do you mean wave"said glows confused."Um arrrr...-" and before wave said more muddy and ivy said "to get food""Cool"said glows then wave muddy and ivy exhaled."So who will go,... mabey muddy she can hold her breath for an hour"said ivy."ME CAN I ACTUALLY DO THAT... ok then i'll do that"said muddy."there is a hole in the river down there"said wave."Ok bern some scrole's we don't need in the morning and i'll find you"said muddy confident.Then muddy inhaled then dived in to the water and made it throw the hoe in the wall.Wave followed throw the hole so she can help muddy but obviously she didn't need it.Than when they got out was one of a kind sunrise."wow muddy your like a rainbow"said wave "With so much coler's "said muddy. wave and muddy lafet until it was day(with smock)."We should pull down all the boulders and the big rock door"said muddy."ovcors"said wave.Then muddy and wave pulled down those boulders and open the rock door."MUDDY"yelled Ivy with glee "...IVY?!"said muddy."Thank god's your still alive i was so wared"said ivy."we should go NOW" said swing."of course of cose swing" said trice.