It isn't new.

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[All characters are property of Marvel, this is just pure fanfic.]

"Is this new?" Kingo had asked.

No, it wasn't new, but it also was in a way.

When he ran his fingers along the soft skin of her spine, he thought about when it was new. Perhaps when he had woken up, those many centuries ago, and they all started to know one another. It was new then because he didn't know her.

And then he did.

She stirred gently when he reached the dip on the small of her back, a faint smile already tugging at his lips as her braid gently brushed along his arm and her eyes fluttered open to look at him.

"You fell asleep, m'darlin'." He mouthed, not wanting to break his arms from the warmth of her embrace. The Domo was quiet — the others had gone to rest while Eros was on his own side mission to help theirs. Why anybody that bore any link to Thanos would want to help them was beyond his comprehension, but it was a risk they had to take.

The others could come back, he thought. This includes Ikaris. 

If he saw Ikaris again...

It wasn't until her gentle fingers touched along the jawbone of his strong features that his mind stopped thinking, his heart stopped racing, and his eyes flickering back to her own. "Beloved," She signed with one hand and the faint smile that appeared earlier grew more apparent to her eyes.

She knew, of course. She knew he was thinking of their mission, thinking of Arishem re-building Ikaris, bringing back Gilgamesh and Ajak, whom they desperately needed. She knew he worried about her, above all of them, and made no secret of it.

Her soft lips pressed themselves against the center of his throat, letting them settle in their warmth as he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

"Makkari," He whispered, knowing she'd hear the vibration in his throat and her fingers slid up to his shoulders and eventually landed on his sculpted back.

For a moment his eyes flickered gold; not because of his power, but because of hers on him.

The console of the Domo made some noises, but he ignored them because his fingers were currently roaming her soft waist. Her perfect, toned, beautiful waist that he couldn't stop gripping hours ago. He could still feel her twists, grips, and the sheer ecstasy of how her body responded to his own. The thing about loving a speedster was that they had an incredible appetite; not only for life but for all things involving life, including love. It was an aspect of her that he craved constantly, never feeling satisfied. He always wanted more.

"Stay strong," She had once told him and he did. Like iron. But then she came like water and he was swept in her.

She wasn't supposed to be on her back while his lips were suckling on her collarbone. He was supposed to still be in his place protecting humans from themselves. As she lifted her legs to rest along his waist, he couldn't find himself complaining.

He hated sounding like a cliché, but nearly dying at Ikaris's hand made him realize that he was through being iron. He couldn't be, not with her, and not when he needed her beyond reason.

She was the only thing he thought of, the only thing he could remember as his bones crushed into the grounds of the Earth by Ikaris's beams. Makkari was the only thing he breathed out while his fingers clawed at the dirt, dragging himself back up. He was done pretending she wasn't all he thought of for seven thousand years.

Fingers were slipping beyond the toughness of her belly when he heard someone clearing their throat and immediately his head shot up.

"Well, I didn't mean to interrupt... was looking for Sersi." Thena said as she bounced her surprised eyes between Makkari and Druig, not being able to settle on either. "I'll... leave you to it." She signed, a small grin on her features before the Domo doors opened and closed.

The door closing was all he had to hear for the breath he was actively holding to be breathed out. His ears burned hot, as did his chest, feeling anxious at prying eyes invading a private moment.

But when she cupped his face again, he knew everything was alright. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2021 ⏰

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