Chapter 8

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Julius's POV

We didn't take too long before coming down for dinner. As we climb down the stairs I pick up her hand to hold. She shakes it off.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" she asks angry

"We're a couple, remember?" I remind her "We need to act like a couple in love with one another. Now, I don't know how you do relationship, but mine always consists on hand holding."

"What are you five?" she teases with a scowl.

"You will find that there is something very intimate with hand holding. It comes from a place of comfort and affection and a subtle sign on support. is passion, lust. It's unpredictable. The flames can burn hotter in a moment and disappear in the other." I explain to her, invading her personal space as I stand toe to toe with her, her breath on my chin. Her eyes full of defiance. But I could tell her breathing had accelerated a little bit. She was not so unaffected as she was trying to make me believe. "Of course we can't forget that we are in our honeymoon..." I tell her quietly staring deep into her eyes, my right hand gently runs its fingers through a lock of her curly hair. The bond vibrating between us. "And as a new husband, I might find it...hard, to stay away from my blushing bride." She moves her hands and runs them upwards trough my chest, "Julius...." she calls my name as if in prayer. My wolf was purring inside me, the touch of our mate, a pleasure in our skin. She leans her body closer to mine, and licks her lips, attracting my gaze there and such lovely lips they close...I could feel her breath on my lips, our noses bumping in a slight tease of touch. just one move and I could finally feel what her lips felt like beneath mine. Her hands on my shoulder and just when I think she is going to pull my head down to kiss me, she instead grabs my shoulders and raises her knee. Hitting so strongly between my legs, that I swear I saw starts for a second there. I groan in pain as Hayley untangles herself from me.

"Try that again and you'll find more where that came from." she says before turning away and entering the dining room where Walter was already waiting for us.

I take a minute to gather myself and follow after her. It was my fault for turning my guard so down with her, sometimes I can't even tell I'm doing it. When she is by my side, she consumes my every attention, my every thought. I knew it would only get worse with the amount of time we spend together. The bond would try and force us to be together. I remember how Romeo would constantly crave Juliet's company. How fidgety he would be the longer they were apart. He said it had calmed down after they completed the bond, but before that, the bond would make them want to be in each other presence as much as it could.

"Hello Walter." I say when I step into the room, and stand next to Hayley, wrapping my arm on her waist and pulling her slightly closer to me. She tenses, but doesn't take my arm away. "Thank you once again for the shirt, I hope I can somehow repay you for everything you and your wife are doing for us." I say honestly

"Don't mention it, son. We don't get much visitors, my wife and I. You are already repaying us with your company." he says before offering us a glass of wine. Me and Hayley accept it gratefully. "And where is your lovely wife, I believe we haven't been introduced yet." I ask him sipping my wine.

"My Annie is just finishing diner, she should be in here in a minute." he responds, just as we hear steps coming closer from what I assume is the kitchen. "Ah! Here she comes!" An older women wearing an apron appears in the room with her hands full with a tray with meat loaf?, I think. All I know is that it smelled delicious. Walter's Annie smiled kindly at us as she places the tray in the middle of the dining table. Her dyed brown hair had already a few silver streaks, showing her age, and her apron was well used and dirt, but the warmth of her smile made her look beautiful as she steps next to her husband, her hands free of wood, and eagerly looking at us, acessing us.

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