chapter five | romeo & juliet

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as the cullen's and bella are escorted out of the throne room, tensions dissipate and a large group of tourist's usher in. aro, grinning from ear to ear, shivers with delight. it has been an exciting, eventful day, and he is famished.

he glances over to daisy, who is laughing uncontrollably while telling felix a knock-knock joke. however, it seems that felix isn't quite getting it. "a knock knock... joke?"he asks uneased.

"daisy, darling." she looks to him with those familiar golden discs that remind him of his old friend. "felix will escort you to a room for now. we have some... business to execute first. afterwards, we shall meet again."

"okey dokey." she cites happily, sending felix a funny look, "wanna hear another joke?"

"not particularly." she laughs following the big giant man out of the room passing by all of the hat 'n khaki-wearing tourists. "oh come on! it'll be funny, i swear!"

the man knows she going to say it regardless, "if you must."

"knock-knock!" she asks biting her lips attempting to hold back her frivolous cackles.

"who is there?" felix dreadfully questions walking a little slower than he would like.


his eyebrows rise, "owls... who?"

"buahahaha! they do!" she clutches her stomach roaring in a fit of giggles. she didn't know what was funnier, the joke itself or the silly look felix is giving her!

"i don't understand," he murmurs hoping she'll wear herself out. "because owls hoo of course!"

he sighs heavily. he could be feasting on a lovely vein right now, but instead stuck with this jestering child who makes juvenile, incomprehensive jokes. he looks down at her rambling about the irrelevant interior and how pretty it is. he playfully scoffs, perhaps she's not that bad.

her heart-shaped smile and charming giggles are refreshing. she's nothing like that miserable cullen who reeks of anguish and despair. he's disappointed he didn't get to rip his brooding spine out or drain that bothersome swan, but he's also not himself when he's hungry.

"ya know," she begins while looking at all of the art that lies on the walls.

"felix is an odd name. i've never heard it before."

the man snorts, "no odder than daisy. you're named after a weed."

the blonde giggles, "what's wrong with weeds?"

"they're annoying, like you," he says smirking now directly looking at her.

"hey! i'll tell ya what's really annoying! ya know those fancy cd's that have the whale sounds on them so humans can 'sleep'? that's annoying. like, what if the whales were having a deep conversation about why the krill taste fishier than usual? or a whale breaking up with another whale because she flirted with a shark? humans record it and listen to it not even caring about their private lives."

felix stares at her like she grew a third head. what are humans doing with whales? "that's- bizarre, but yes, humans are quite intrusive."

though his eyes train to the impeccably long hallway, he watches the blonde cullen with careful focus. what an odd little creature. perhaps she just turned, that would explain her innocent youthful nature. she doesn't appear to fear any of the volturi. i mean, who in their right mind would go up to jane and braid her hair? she's funny and daring, but her naive nature will likely be her ultimate demise.

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