Entry 1: The Spirit of Time

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This is Winrina time travel AU. Set in the modern time and when Korea is under Japanese rule.


This was a Taengsic one shot that I've written in the past. I wasn't satiesfied with it so I modified it to its finest. Since Winter and Karina are now my fantasy characters, I changed the story especially for them.

It was a restless night for Winter Kim, daughter of one of the well-known fashion brands in Korea. She cursed under her breathe for the nth time, glaring at the tormenting traffic jam she's into.

Winter looks at the clock. It's already late and she'd been stuck in the traffic for half an hour now. She was in the middle of finishing an important presentation for her father, then she got carried away, not realizing it was already nine in the evening.

Tiredly, the younger Kim cried in annoyance. Friday the 13th was just not her lucky day. Winter ran her fingers through her blonde hair in a frustrating manner. Piercing brown eyes glazed with distress.

Winter growled, "I can't take this anymore!" Abruptly, she steered her Humber car right, crossing an intersection that no one dared to go. Carefully, Winter maneuvered the car slowly on the rocky road, not to scratch it on the way.

Amidst her cursing, creepily she thought, the route she took was sort of like a deserted one. Isolated by the modern time. The meadowland was howling in an eerie manner, making her quiver in fright.

She became extra cautious of her surrounding. Upon realizing it, she looks up only to see the moon was saturated in the color of red and the surrounding was screaming the name of the devil. Baffled by so many things, she seems to regret taking the alternative route.

Winter gulped.

She doesn't like spooky places, nevertheless, she won't come back to that frustrating traffic zone. She knew at the end of this journey she will find a road back to the city. Straight back home, then cuddled to sleep.

The muteness of the night was earsplitting to hear. To block the awkward silence, she turned on her radio, which to her dismay not working.

"What the heck?" She said, feeling restless. Another growl escaped out of her lips. She reached for her phone.

There's no signal.

She grumbles again, unexpectedly, fate seems to like messing with her, the car stop in the middle of nowhere.

"What the heck just happened?!" She got out of her car. She started kicking the wheel then regretted it after making a painful cry. She growls again for the hundredth time, then reached for her phone again only to find it dead.

"Can this night get any better?" Unfortunately, the sky starts to howl, and a heavy rain blessed Winter with wet clothes.

"Great. Now what?" She yelped in distress. Too much for driving a Humber car on a Friday night.

It was as though, fate was playing its role to save a damsel in distress. Winter heard a faint sound of horses and a harsh stomp on the ground coming towards her. Curiously, yet startled, she squinted her eyes to study what it is.

Startlingly, a carriage appeared out of nowhere, dancing in the rain with its classic structure. Amused by the view, Winter never deemed that carriages are still a thing in the modern period.

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