Prologue: Registration

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Cassie POV

I woke up with excitement, today is the day of registration! I had almost everything done for school already. I picked out my supplies, outfit, and hairstyle. As you could see I am very excited about high school. I put on a purple crop top which had a butterfly on it and a flowy white skirt and long white socks. I skipped to my shoe closet and put on some AF1's and went to eat breakfast. "Carla! I'm almost ready!" I announced to my nanny who was possibly asleep.

I am an only child, my dad works in real estate and he's never home, and my mom died when I was two. Whenever I tell someone this they say, "Oh no are you ok? And shit but I'm fine I barely knew her anyways.

I walked into the kitchen and made myself some breakfast which was just cereal. My nanny came out of her room in white jeans, a pink off-the-shoulder shirt, and some converse. "Hi sweetie, it's almost time for high school huh?" my nanny said in an exciting voice. I nodded my head as she made her coffee inside a thermos.

"I'm going to wait in the car," she opened the door and left. I finished up my breakfast unplugged my phone and got into the limo.

Pablo's POV

I woke up with my younger siblings jumping on my bed, "Lidia! Pablo! Get off!!"

"MAMA!!!" I yelled out the twins suddenly got frightened and left. I smirked. Too easy, my inner voice chuckled. I got out of bed and started changing, "Hey bro I-" my older sister came in, without knocking, per uhze.

I covered my crotch area even if I have underwear on, "VALERIA! KNOCK!" I yelled out. She quickly covered her eyes.

"Mami told me there are some tamales on the table hurry because everyone's going to get them before you," she taunted. I quickly changed into a white shirt, a flannel overshirt, washed-out grey baggy jeans, and some old skool vans. I fluffed my hair before going out to eat.

I ran out, 2 more. Phew. I saw my little siblings watching the Spanish version of Super Simple Songs. "Las ruedas del bus girando van. Girando van. Girando van. Las ruedas del bus girando van, por toda la ciudad...." I heard.

Daniela and Rosa were both on the couch mesmerized by the t.v. My baby brother was barely 1 year old and playing with some toys. My older brothers are twins but completely different. Marcos is into music and girls, while my other brother Mateo is into guys and hockey. My older sister, Valeria is a ballet star. We all go to every one of her shows, it's amazing. I have 3 younger siblings and 3 older siblings. Yes, I am the middle child.

I heard a small ding in the kitchen, my mom. She runs a bakery just across the street that opens in about 20 minutes. My mom is never on schedule which makes her irritated almost every second of her morning. She came out of the kitchen with her uniform; a yellow dress that had "Magdalena's Panaderia" stitched on with black thread and some checkered vans. She got her coffee, kissed me goodbye, and left.

It had been around 2 minutes until she came back, "Marcos lleva tu hermano a registrarse!! she yelled out and closed the door. I ate my tamale before he could come and take it from me.

"Hey Lil bro!" he yelled out


I gotta go.

Xochitl's POV

I for one am not excited for the beginning of High School. One, Boys; the most vile creature to walk the planet, no offense. They can't have no for an answer and come up with stupid reasons on why it's our fault they raped us. "Not all men," Shut the hell up.

Two, Racist people!! See I am Blasian and in my last school, I got bullied for my skin, eyes, and type of food I bring. Oh sorry, I have food that tastes amazing but you could keep eating your pizza trash, cuz that'll help you with your pimples. Sorry, you don't have beautiful skin like mine, but no need to get rude. People call me all sorts of names and can't stand it.

3, my favorite, HOMOPHOBIC PEOPLE!!! Woooo. I'm bi, so meaning I like both boys and girls. I hate it when people tell me who I can't and can love like it's my life. But I also hate when people stereotype Christians. Like just cuz, they show those so-called "Christians" doesn't mean everyone is like that. Some, like my friend Julie, is Christian and they fully accepted her for being Transgender.

But hopefully, I get classes with my favorite people. I ate a stale piece of toast and rode to school in a scooter. Cuz why not.

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