Prologue - Spooky in Spring

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Hello, my dear blossoms! This is one of many side projects I've been working on alongside 'Questionable...' but this is specifically for Springy bc I am nothing if not a simp. It's pretty simple, no universe changes, no time control bs, just you in college and getting a job (very original, I know 🙄).

This storyline is not related to Q in any way, shape, or form—and I don't plan on it becoming so. It's just a little burnout book for me to word-vomit in when I have writer's block for my main stuff. Therefore, this story will not be getting organized or intended updates. It's literally so I don't stop writing entirely and slip out of my FNaF focus.

Either way, stay safe, and happy reading!

- Cherry

        Today was beautiful.

        The breeze was light and refreshing against my skin, welcomed by the warm embrace of sunlight. Cotton-like masses of clouds drifted along in the blue sky, providing shade as they passed the sun every now and then.

        Nothing ever compared to the freedom of Spring break for me. Students get a week off of school, and the fresh cooling breeze rolls in with a bit of warm sun. Spring meant new beginnings, where the cycle restarted and new lives were born into the world, ready to experience whatever lied ahead of them. Needless to say, I was excited for the season.

        It was nice of the university to let us take the week off in honor of Spring. I honestly didn't expect them to allow it, given that the lot of us are adults now, and small things like this would be considered insignificant.

        The warmth of nature beamed down on my face as you arrived to where the prime path split around the grassy precinct, walking out from under the arched glass canopy that stretched out from the front of the main building. I waved goodbye to a few classmates that I had been making small talk with as we made our way outside.

        The plaza was filled with students. People swerved around others on bikes, others were playing catch with footballs and frisbees, many walked side by side, sat up against trees with a book and music, or laid on a picnic blanket and pointed at the shapes of clouds they recognized.

        This was nice. But of course, a certain brunette just had to make her presence known.

        "Hey, (Y/N)! Where do you think you're going?" I didn't need to turn around to know who was calling to me. Before I could even move to look at the person in question, Karin swung her arms around my shoulders in an aggressively loving hug, her cheek pressing up against mine as she affectionately strangled me.

        I snickered, managing to wriggle an arm out of her strong hold to return the embrace with a pat to her shoulder.

        "Easy there, killer. I'm not going anywhere without you."

        "Of course you're not!" She playfully bit, giggling all the while, "Who would be there to remind you to brush your teeth before bed?" She planted her fists on her hips, cocking one to the side with a beaming grin on her face. I gave her a quick once-over, eyeing the charcoal scrubs that she donned over her mesomorphic body. Glancing further down, I spotted ebony pointe shoes rather than her classic work-appropriate sneakers.

        I quirked a brow. "Really?"

        Karin pointed an accusing finger to my sternum. "Don't start with me, missy! They're brand new, and they needed to be broken in. Not to mention that I just couldn't wait to wear them." She looked down at her shoes with a soft smile, right knee turned inwards as she pointed her foot into the brick path to see the curve of her arch better.

        "I get that, but I don't think it's suitable for the dental office."

        "You're one to talk, wearing the oldest Sketchers on earth to welding." It was her turn to scold me on my choice of footwear, fists planted on her hips as she chuckled. "I'm surprised you didn't get in trouble for that."

        "Oh, no, I did," I corrected, "but my engineering professor hates how loud my welding boots are, so I compromise by alternating which teacher I upset for the day. I also kicked the tool table by accident the other day so I kind of owe it to him."

        A horribly suppressed snort breached its way through Karin's pursed lips, causing her to spiral into a light fit of laughter. It was uncommon for either of us to remain serious for more than a minute, always snickering and sharing looks at the worst possible times. That's what made us such good friends.

        "And that's why we suspended our equipment in the air," she mocked, lightly jabbing me in the side with her elbow.

        "Well, you also never have to use more than like, six of them." I remarked.

        She shrugged, picking up her bookbag from where she had set it on the ground. We leisurely walked down the stone path, attempting to make plans for the week as we did so.

        "Any plans for spring?"

"The only thing I know I'm going to do so far is get dinner." Karin sighed, defeated.

        "You could visit family," I proposed, spit-balling ideas.

        Karin turned to me with an unimpressed gaze. "You want me to fly all the way back to Germany for a week-long break?"

        I shrugged.

        "The travel time alone would take up half of the holiday." She pinched the bridge of her nose, palm rubbing her eye as she let it flop down by her side.

        I scratched the back of my head, wracking my brain for something we could do. Creativity never was my forte.


        "Why don't we visit the carnival?"

        My slow-rolling thought process was interrupted by Karin's abrupt suggestion. I spared a glance to her, seeing where she got the idea as we passed a school newspaper stand. On the front, a black-and-white image of the local amusement park was displayed, the headline announcing the appearance of a new 'mystery attraction' in honor of the area hosting the annual Spring Festival this year. She grabbed a copy.

        "The local park is happy to confirm the arrival of a new horror attraction in time for the yearly Spring Festival, yada, yada, yada...and is eager to welcome new faces into the fun of the fair." She quickly skimmed over the page, tapping my arm with the paper. "Hey, you love scary things, I say we give it a shot."

        "Eh, I don't know," I grimaced, "those things are way overpriced."

        "C'mon, it can't be that bad. Besides, there'll be seasonal cost cuts on top of the Spring Festival discounts. If it's still too much then we won't buy anything. It's the perfect time to go." She flipped the newsletter around. "And get this: they're hiring!"

        I rolled my eyes. "Oh, yeah, a grown-ass college student working at a carnival. How flattering."

        Karin snickered, nudging me playfully. "I'm just teasing you. But I'm not kidding about the fair. I want to go."

        "You're gonna be the death of me, girl."

Is this good? Likely not, but it's not meant to be tbh.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2022 ⏰

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