Berdly x Female!Reader

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This story was requested by SoyWeonaMasPro. This one's going to be a little long. I hope you enjoy :D ALSO the song above is one of my favorites and no it doesn't have anything to do with the story LMAO.

~It's my fault...?~

(Y/N)'s pov:

Today is the day that I tell Berdly how I feel. I've liked him for so long, but he doesn't know it yet. Him and I are walking to the library with Noelle because of a project that's due. It's day number 3 and the project is due at the end of the week, but I didn't go to school yesterday because I felt sick. Something must've happened because he's been treating all of the other students with a little more respect, especially Susie.

I didn't really mind Susie at first, she never bothered me and I was never scared of her. But now, I don't like her at all. She's been getting extra attention from my blue boy and I don't like it.

"(Y/N)? Are you okay?" Noelle asks as I snap out of my thoughts. We had arrived at the library but I was the only one who hadn't walked in.

"Ah- sorry, I was just lost in my thoughts." I say while laughing awkwardly. She only smiles and tells me to come in. I do as I'm told and walk into the library, looking around at the familiar place. We then walk into a separate room and sit down. Berdly was already in there, patiently waiting for us.

"Kris and Susie will be joining us, right?" Berdly asks, visibly excited. I frown a little but quickly change it into a smile when Noelle looks at me.

"Yeah they are, do you mind (Y/N)?" Noelle tilts her head a little. I could say that I do mind, but I know how much Noelle likes Susie, so I just shake my head [ALSO, I know that at the end of chapter two Kris opens a new dark fountain in his house so technically they won't be at school the next day but let's just ignore that ok? And the fact that Berdly doesn't like Susie anymore by the end of the chapter but it adds drama so yeah he likes her again LMAO].

After a few minutes of silent reading, the door opens. Both Kris and Susie walk in and wave at us. I smile at them and wave back. My smile falters as I look over at Berdly.

"Susie! Over here! I saved you a seat right next to me!" He said while patting the seat next to him. Susie looked at Kris and then shrugged. She made her way around the table and sat next to Berdly, while Kris sat next to Noelle. I could feel Noelle's disappointment, as she had also saved a seat for Susie. I sighed and continued with my reading, while Susie and Berdly chit chatted about video games.

~time skip~

It had been a few hours, and they hadn't stopped talking. I was currently strangling a mechanical pencil in my hand when it snapped and cut my palm. Everyone looked over at the sound.

"Ah- shit." I cursed silently. I started to pull my hand closer to inspect it, but someone grabbed it and pulled it towards them. It was Berdly.

"H-Hey! Careful!" I said, slightly blushing. His eyes widened a little.

"Sorry, it's just that you're bleeding, a lot." He said, worry coating his voice. It was true, I was bleeding a lot. The weird part is, the cut isn't that deep. It is long though.

"Here, there's a first aid kit near the front desk. Come with me" He said while getting out of his seat and walking towards me. He then held out his hand for me to grab. I blushed and looked back at the others. Susie was smirking, Noelle had stars in her eyes while quietly going 'aww', and Kris had their thumbs up. Berdly noticed this and started to blush too.

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