Chapter 13: Movies

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Monse's POV:
One week off bed rest and I can still barely make it around the block. Cesar picks me up before my last doctors appointment and I'm ready to never go back. "You excited?" He tries to help me walk to his car but I don't let him. "Yeah." I nod. "You don't have to do everything on your own." He reminds me for the millionth time. "I don't need help." I say while I struggle to open the car door and hold my crutches. "I always open the door for you anyway." He kisses my cheek. "Thanks." I know he's trying to be nice but I'm tired of needing help. "What's the first thing you're gonna do when you're off your crutches?" He asks. "I still have a few more weeks but I'll probably just... open a door." I smile sarcastically.
He helps me out of the car and the doctor lets me in right away. "How's your week of freedom been?" She asks. "Boring as hell. I've just been walking a couple times a day and catching up on schoolwork." I lift myself on the exam table. "Hopefully after some physical therapy you can just go back to normal." She looks at my leg, asks some questions, and we're almost done. "You should me ready to go back to school at least part time." The doctor explains. "Finally. I'm done with being in the house." I grab my crutches. "You guys have any questions for me?" She says and Cesar looks up real quick. "I have a question." He smiles and I can tell he's about to say something stupid. "Ignore him." I beg. "When can she have sex?" He asks and I drop my head. "Whenever she's ready. Monse asked the same question last week." She walks out and Cesar stares at me. "You asked?" He raises his eyebrows. "So?" I shrug. "Good to know." Cesar nods. "Don't be a butt. I was just curious." I shrug. "Why? Anyone you thinking about sleeping with?" He grabs the front of my crutches so I can't walk away. "Not that I can think of." I kiss him and he lets go. "You're gonna regret that later." Cesar says and I roll my eyes. "Sure." I get in the car before he can try to help me. "Wait, where are we going?" I ask when he drives past my house. "I kept the secret this long I'm not telling you now." He squeezes the inside of my thigh. We pull up at Ruby's and I get excited but then I see Jamal's car and it fades. "Are you gonna go in?" I ask. "Why wouldn't I?" He parks his car. "Jamal's here." I point out. "I know. I invited him. You're my girl and, if he can control himself, I don't have a problem being around him." Cesar kisses me. "You know we can't do any of that in front of them." I say. "Keeping us on the low was my idea." He reminds me. "Yeah but you're also the one who made it hella obvious freshman year!" I laugh. "Coming from the one who told Olivia I was 'tickling' you when she caught us on your bed." He puts his hand under my chin and kisses me again. "We gotta go in before they notice we're out here." I pull back. The second I get out Jasmine runs and gives me a hug. "I saw you three days ago." I remind her. "I know, it's been way too long." She squeezes me and I drop my crutches. "Ba- Cesar, can you get them for me?" I correct myself before I say something stupid. "Ok, I'll pretend like I didn't hear why I just heard." Jasmine helps me stand while he gets them for me. We go inside and Ruby set up a movie night just like we used to have freshman year. "Hey!" I smile. The look Jamal gets when he sees me reminds me why I keep fighting for us to stay friends. "Finally! I didn't know if you'd even show up." He gets up off the couch. "Cesar didn't give me the chance to ditch you guys." I hug him for a little too long but he's my best friend and it's been almost two weeks since I've seen him.
Cesar's POV:
Seeing Jamal hold Monse bothers me but I try not to show it. He tries to sit with her but abuelita calls him and I steal his seat. "Not cute." She tries not to smile. "Come on baby, your gonna tell me you didn't wanna be close to me?" I whisper and she elbows my ribs. "Courtesy of abuelita." Jamal walks back with a plate full of brownies. "You better not have one. Ain't no way in hell we're taking care of you." Monse says. "Jokes on you. I ate one already." He throws himself on top of Jasmine and Ruby. They turn on a movie but I'm gonna be honest, I don't even know what's going on. The second Monse put her legs on my lap I'm all hers. "What?" She laughs quietly. "Nothing." I couldn't think of an excuse even if I wanted to.
We eat, hangout, and play games for a few hours. Jasmine had to leave early but the rest of us are just gonna stay the night. Jamal's beating Ruby's ass in Mario cart and Monse's making fun of him the whole time. "Damn, I didn't bring any other clothes." Monse tells me. "It's all good, I always keep a hoodie and shorts in my car." I smile. When I'm halfway out the door I hear Jamal say something. "Isn't it weird being that close with your ex?" He asks Monse. "We were friends for nine years before anything even happened. It'd be weird if we weren't close 'cause we broke up." She says and I smile. The second I walk out I know something's wrong. "We needa talk." Sapo's leaning on my car and I can see his gun.

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