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"Jungkook ahhh slow down!!"

Hearing someone calling his name,Jungkook didn't know whether he should stop or not. Nevertheless he slowed down,wiping wet eyes with his sweater paws.

"Why you seem to be in a hurry"

Jungkook didn't have to turn back to answer.
"No reason. Leave me alone hyung"

"Ya Jungkook ah what's wrong?"
Jungkook hears the blonde haired male's worried tone now closer to him,and feels an arm around his shoulders.
"Are you crying???"

Feeling humiliated and not wanting to bother Jimin hyung Jungkook chose to ignore the fact that he's worried about.

"No hyung it's alright..what are you doing here?" Jungkook asks,his voice soft and breathy.

"I'm just walking around..again,is everything alright? You can tell me you know.."
Park Jimin,who has been closest friend to Jungkook,probably because the other two hyungs;Min Yoongi,Jung Hoseok are 3 and 4 years older than him, always took care of along the other two. Yoongi and Hoseok were busy most of the time with the university lectures. Jimin was waiting for his email from the uni at the time and Jungkook knew very well he's gonna be alone after this year.

Knowing his hyung is not gonna stop worrying about him;and since talking someone when he's sad is something he could do to get over with them all...
"Um hyung you were at the get together at Taehyung's house last night right? Do they remember me anymore?"

Jimin's furrowed eyebrows along those concerned eyes which had been studying Jungkook's tired features,now started to soften with his his eye smile.

"Aigoo Jungkookiee are you worried about that?? What makes you? Of course they haven't! Jin hyung asked why  you didn't join us and hearing the reason from Hoseok Jin hyung's throwing a party in the evening so that you can join too! I was to text you about that right away but my phone died"

Jungkook felt relieved hearing that but..
What about Taehyung?

"Taehyung hyung?"


"What about Taehyung hyung? He doesn't remember me anymore right?"
Jungkook knows. But he asked anyways.

Jimin laughed out,his eyes disappearing in his squishy cheeks.

"Jungkookie,didn't you met him last night? Taehyung didn't stop talking about how fast you've grown but said you still look the same. He asked lot more about you. Wha- hahaha I can't! He doesn't  even know I got selected to Yonsei yet. But he knows almost everything about you."

Dumbfounded,Jungkook didn't process this all well. No it can't be,he didn't even remember his name.

"From where did you get that idea after all?"
Jimin asks,heading to the park tugging Jungkook along.

"Uh um I don't know."

Jimin shooks his head while eyeing an empty bench.
"Come,sit here"

They talked about nothing and everything,until Jungkook got a call from Yoongi hyung.


"It's already 4:30 kiddo! Didn't that midget tell you about the party?"

"Hey hey I can hear everything hyung,I'm just a decimal shorter than you-"
"We'll be there hyung"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2023 ⏰

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