"Maybe its not so bad"

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POV: Tomo Yakamaki

(The Yakamaki Family is my thing not official lmao. Basically it's a strong and wealthy noble family and/or Clan, Basically The Kamisato Clan but everyone has there own thing and there quite spread)

"Just another day" I sighed looking at the window, Inazuma streets has been busy as usual with all the people talking and hanging out. Wouldn't be me of course but I couldn't help but feel left out. My cat Tama came to comfort me or just herself really, laying in my hair. As long she dont scratch my chest again I guess she acting a little good today.

All was interrupted by a annoying knock. "Tomo Chan! TOMO CHANNN!"
"Mama called you for dinner!" Oh its my brother's again. I mean thank you for telling me but God damn do you have to yell- "Lord Shogun help me. Alright am coming!"

I procced to put Tama down on my bed. Opening the door I immediately regret it... "Good evening Tomo Seems like you going to make your own food I ate your last Wagyu Beef." Said My sister with a smug look on her expression.

"You lucky I ate 30 minutes ago Oda, or I swear to the Shogun I would had fought you here infront of this door" I mumbled. "You should really stop that talking shit and see what mom wants because I think you want a decomposing body on the ground."

"Okay Ejjirōdo didn't mean to bother you" I Blured.

Seems like mom wants something from me strange this really doesn't happen often. I walked down the long stairs and noticed in the living area.
"Tomo I have an assignment for you." She ordered "The Koijro commison ordered a assignment to the nobles and Clans, seems there is a class their and I want you to audition"

Wait what I get to go there with people.... UHHH wait how should I put it Other than anybody in my family I never really communicated or even had a proper understanding of - I procced to blank out and scared out of my mind. The thought of me being watched or anything of that matter is quite... no actually terrifying

"Tomo one final thing before you start out of your foothold" She pressed "You know our rules about the Kaedehara Clan. correct?" "Yes I do mother" I said sighed, Okay I get the memo mom you don't want me with kaedehara Clan stop putting it down my throat.

"Okay your dismissed and oh your going to the Kamisato Residence If your wondering. Now leave before your late" She ordered, I rushed up to my room to get dressed as fast as I could and went dashing downstairs I even forgot to say goodbye.

Hmm maybe I should've bring Tama with me... "meow" a cat appeared out of Tomo's chest. "OH MY GOD TAMA YOU SCARED ME-" Okay now Tama came out of nowhere I guess it's time to head to the residence.

A few hours of walking later I fanilly reach it though the stares if people and some of the fan girls hold up I fanilly made it. "meoww" ... and I'm late thanks Tama. I procced to rush to the door where the class is..

And there was all eyes on me. I didn't know why but rush to take a seat and all of those eyes where looking at me harder. I can feel all the comments though it wasn't negative (The complete opposite) I couldn't help but cry inside and hope for the best.


Tomo can't communicate (TomoKazu)Where stories live. Discover now