Blake and Jack (villian)pt.1

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Me and jack were done training to see who is the strongest. I would like to tease him so he can lose his guard and man, it works all the time. He was so cute when he blushes, I mean like really. I started having weird feelings for him and my heart skips so fast that sometimes I faint.

Blake: Rose, I'm going to the bathroom ok

Rose: uh, sure, see you in the campsite.

Blake: I know where to go, your not my boss anyway.

-few minutes later-

I made it to the camp then the alarm turned on. Shot. I started packing some things and the rest of the villians were saving the younger ones. The stupid heroes, always ruining our lives. Not far I tripped down and twist my ankel very bad. Then.. Jack. He helped me up and my heart beating so fast that I tried to shake of the feeling and continue jojjing away from the camp.

(Jack POV)

We managed to escape from the heroes and went to the city, the rest of the villains went to their homes and I took Balke to her house, I really liked Blake, more then a friend. (Adrien referenced from miraculous: oh, marrintte, she's just a friend)(LoL) I want to tell her my feelings. So, guys support me and help me when I'm done if she rejects. Me: stop breaking the fourth wall, JACK?!!!!!!??!!

anyways, yeah, he did that. Request. My brain is dying slowly so. Adios

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