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Hello, everyone!

This is my first attempt to Learn The Art of Weaving Words. I have always wanted to write, but I couldn't find a perfect platform to try my hands out. 

I have always been passionate about writing, but never got a chance to express it though. I want to give wings to my imagination, express my thoughts through words. 

There was some other story I wanted to write, but I am addicted to Arjun and Draupadi. The duo silently sacrificed everything, putting everything on line - even their love. They were satisfied with those Unspoken Words and Incomplete eye locks.

Maybe, they must have felt the urge to express their feelings to each other, but the words died on their lips. Maybe they just wanted to throw their arms around each other, but they sealed that urge and burried it deep inside.

Where do you find such a selfless couple who are willing to give upon everything?

Here, I will try my best to give them justice, the company of each other which they desired. I know it's just fictional, but that doesn't fail to gift me infinite happiness and Solace. 


'Time doesn't heal anything, it just teaches us how to live... with Pain.'~Draupadi

God carves A soulmate for all, but only a few are able to find them. Life isn't possible without struggle, and a human can't live without making mistakes - it's a natural cycle. A person should learn to forgive, but to an extent.

'Some people hurt others by words, some by actions, and some by silence... But the biggest hurt is when someone whom we value and love a lot ignores us.' ~Arjun

One such Love, which happened centuries ago but still doesn't fail to ignite the hearts of people living in this World today. One such Love, which kept sacrificing without any questions. Kept giving without asking for something in return. One such love, which was forbidden - for us. One such love, which was never expressed - for us. One such Love, which was caged within Norms.

Despite all this, Love continues to blossom between Arjun and Draupadi. But it isn't simple, they have to overcome hardships and deal with challenges. Situations leading to consequences threatening to rip them apart.

'The pain you will feel today, will be your strength tomorrow.'~Author

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods (or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the Author. Infringement of the same may draw severe legal charges.

Disclaimer- This Work is *PURELY FICTIONAL* And doesn't intent to hurt anyone or any religious belief. This is an Original Work, and not copied from anywhere else. I respect The Pious Mahabharata and it's Characters. I do not intent to insult any of the Characters or disgrace them. Use of of Abusive language, ill words, spreading of banishment or insulting or spreading hate against anyone will strictly not be tolerated. 

I acknowledge that this is my Own work and I hold it's copyright. 

Cover- Credits Arafisabu

Cover- Credits Arafisabu

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