chapter one

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"Here you go,Marcel!" Mrs.Norris Handed me a graded test,smiling. I smiled too. I was used to this grade,but it's still nice to see an A+ on your paper.

"And Harry..." She handed him a folded paper,her smile fading.
He gave her the fakest smile in the history of fake,cheeky smiles. She glared at him,he pursed his lips and looked down.
He unfolded it as I looked over his shoulder at it.

"A D MINUS!? AGAIN!?" I whisper shouted

"You saw that?" He flinched

"Yup,I did. I thought you would study!" I said

"I did..." He mumbled looking down.

"Yup,you studied real hard. And you would have gotten an A if it was a,"making out with random girls test" you were supposed to study for" I mocked

"Hey!" He snapped

"It's true." I said back

"At least it's better than last test grade..."he pointed out

"Only because the last grade you got on a test was an F" I said back

He shrugged it off,"I'm used to it"

"But I'm worried about you"

"Haha,baby brothers aren't supposed to worry 'bout big brothers, Marcel." He chuckled

"I'm only younger by two minutes..." I grumble

"Yeah,well I'm still older" he teased

"Shuddup,you can't do anything in the first two minutes of your life Harry." I came back with

"Haha,well-" he was cut off by the bell,"WOOHOO!"
I walked into the hall,as we parted ways.

"Hey look,guys!" I recognise that voice,"it's nerdy Mcdweeb!"
It was Louis. He's bullied me from first grade,all the way up to now, in tenth grade.

"Whadd'ya want,just leave me alone!" I backed away from him and his group.

"Haha,we just wanna say hi,"he lightened his tone in a sick way,"it's been a week"

"Just go away please!" I yelled

"Ha,gonna take a little more than your cries this time," he smiled evilly, then narrowed his eyes
He came at me and I flinched and closed my eyes,I soon felt a punch. I fell to the ground of the empty hall. I waited for another one as my eyes tightened shut. I didn't feel one. I opened my eyes.

"Listen you bastard,if you ever do this again,I will personally drag you behind a dumpster,beat the living shit outta you,then take you to your fucking grave,understand?" Harry. He- he'd do this? For me?

"Ha! And I'M supposed to be scared of YOU?" Louis scoffed

"Okay," Harry punched him in the face,knocking him to the ground,"yes."
Louis ran. Ha.

"Are you okay!?" He hurried over

"I am now,thanks." I smiled

"No prob,what are big brothers for?" He smiled back

"Two minutes!" I shouted

We laughed for a second. I love my brother,nothing can change that.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2015 ⏰

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