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Mafia story timeeeeeeee

Chapter 7


I did i little victory dance 💃 I had an entire 2 weeks off of work! Anyways I headed back to my room happily dancing until dream came on the microphone "Attention! this is your boss speaking.Yesterday one of your former employees broke 7 different individual rules I want you all to know I do not take breaking rules lightly and any rules that are broken will be punished,this person is lucky as they only received 2 weeks of suspension make sure you know I will not be as light hearted as I was there"

Karl tommy and tubbo looked shocked as dream continued "This employees lack of common sense and disobedience of the rules and my direct orders has put our entire mafia at stake but rest assured this mafia will stay hidden" wow rude and dream is the only one who lacks common sense but ok anyways

I sat down and went on my computer I had 45 notfications from what? i don't know, I was to lazy to read it😗👍

I was just about to close them until one email in particular caught my eye it was from "unknown 1@gmail.com with a video linked the video was from the news about the missing people

"number of missing people continue to rise as famous guitarist Wilbur Soot has gone missing. Friends and family say after his boyfriend George Henry Davidson went missing,Wilburs world fell apart ,they also say he was last seen leaving his home at 5pm wearing black pants and a hoodie with the words,"Respect and kindness always comes back" he is about 6'4(?) brown hair brown eyes and a scar on his left eye if you have info on his where abouts please let us know"

My world crumbled in a matter of seconds wilbur soot? my wilbur soot? yep :) God I hope this isn't a bad thing but God I hoped dream kidnapped him I looked at my clock it was about 8pm and I was starving since I skipped lunch so I headed down to the Cafe but to get food I needed my ID card which is with dream so I decided to take it from his office I walked into his office which was empty "Mhm must be on vacation them" I giggled at my comment it was surprisingly just sitting there on his desk I took it and headed to get my food I the corner of my eye I swear I saw wilbur but I just dusted it off but it was made clear when I went to sit down and he sat next to me

449-478 words

I'm working in part 9 which I'm trying to get it to be 1k or more words and I'm currently at 800 so hopefully I can finish it!

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