5| Sleepover

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Chifuyu got up properly before going to his lover's side. Like him, she was beaten up, but there were less cuts and blood on her face. He inspected her face more to see if there is a very big cut to find none.

Just as he was about to wake her up, he noticed the blood covered pipe nearby.

"...But the hits she got seems hard, so she might not get up for a while."

Remembering Kazutora's words, he slowly pushed her hair from her nape to have a better vision. Seeing her nape full of blood, cuts and now purple bruises,  he checked for her pulse fearfully,  only to relieve a little after finding her pulse.

But seeing that she still didn't wake up was alarming. He didn't know what to do. Normally, when he couldn't find a solution to get out of the situation he was in, he would ask Baji for help. Because even though Baji isn't the smartest when it comes to lessons, he was so good at comforting people and relaxing them.

But now, he was one of the reasons behind this...

After getting out of the already closed arcade, Chifuyu started walking to Baji's house while carrying Y/N.

When he arrived their home, just as he was about to knock on the door, a notification sound cut off the silence. He shrugged it off and knocked on the door.

But he didn't get any replies back.

He tried again but the result was the same.

Then he remembered the notification.

He looked at his phone to see if he got a new notification,  but he couldn't find.

Then he thought of looking Y/N's phone, but didn't do that at first since he didn't want to do something like that without her permission. But then seeing he has no other option, he decided on checking it. He will surely apologise after.

He placed his lover and made sure she isn't gonna fall, then took her phone. The notifications were on the screen.

Mom ❤

Sweetie a sudden thing came up so we had to visit a relative of one of our friends.

And your brother said he will be at a sleepover with his new friends

Sorry for informing you this late dear

Take care my lovely daughter ❤ 💕 😘

After reading the messages, Chifuyu looked at his lover. There was no way he could leave her here. She was still unconscious, and even if she was awake, there have to be someone near her to check up on her because of her injuries.

So he took out his phone, and sent a message to two people.

My Love's Mother 🌟

(M/N)-san, if it isn't a problem with you, can Y/N sleepover at our place?

I don't want to leave her alone 😣

And hope everything is okay with you and your friends relative!

By the way please don't worry, I will take care of Y/N greatly!♡

Baji 👊 (My Love's Big Bro)

Don't worry Baji-san, I will take care of Y/N

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