1k Special

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Here to say Snow berry vult is a custom npc I made, reader cookie uses they/them, this has spoilers for the new update, also f the story line I made my own


Being in a kingdom full with surprises and fun places it was wonderful indeed fleeing with cookies living happily having the best day of their life just living in the kingdom, when it was winter season every cookie celebrated and played on the snow making other things little young cookies would want , but for y/n they'd adventure new places but they heard from a cookie about this dangerous mountain everyone kept talking, about they wanted to go adventuring so it was the only place they could think of they brought their friend Snow berry vult to see with them.

Mountains still far and the snow and wind gets stronger the two cookies still kept walking on their journey or adventure

Snow berry vult pov :)

"y/n are you sure this is okay?, the wind is getting stronger mybe we should take a break for awhile" young snow berry said being worried of their friend until their friend responded with "C'mon it's only been 5 minutes we're not that long from the adventure yet, butt if you want we could go stop at that village" hmm strange they could hear footsteps a meter away from them but no one's there Snow berry thought nothing of it "sure of course we may need to warm up this campfire isn't gonna do much, meaning I can finally sit down my feet are worn out"they let out a sigh, their friend grabs their hand right before they could process  whats happening" if you don't wanna pass out then hurry! "their friend said they really don't know how to put up with them but they are very great full to have a friend like them

We got to the village of very fun and peacefully living cookies, we meet new cookies to be exact we asked them about the mountain and they simply said none of the village people visited that place not know about the place strange we were just walking by then we bumped into someone "im sorry we didn't check where we we're going" then we see a cookie with white grayesh hair holding some supplies the supplies looked like it could be used for ill or sick (same thing) people

"ah no I'm sorry for bumping into you I am in a hurry to give this to someone!"

"no it's fine but can we follow you we want to ask you something."

"sure of course! But we need to hurry let's go"

We followed them it's literally cold as crumbs here


Y/n cookie pov skip to the house or Smt scene :

We were sitting at the nearby chairs while the other cookie was caring for someone called sherbet cookie I feel bad I wish I could do anything since they looked like they were in pain I tried to give them a hand but they said no need when they were done they asked what were the questions we wanted to ask

"Eh what's your name?, sorry if that came out of no where"

"no need to apologize also my name is cotton cookie happy to meet you and you?"

"I'm y/n cookie and this is Snow berry vult"

They looked so excited or happy I didn't really know but I finded it adorable

"hmm, second question is about something we heard, people said it was a dangerous mountain no one dared to go no survivors out"

"I don't know anything about such mountain but I have seen a bunch of ice shaped into anything when walking back to the village, I didn't think anything of it."

"mind showing us me the last time you have seen those ice?"

"I don't really mind so sure!"

Finally some action I don't wanna go on circles on the village asking anyone if they know anything about the mountain, snow berry was clinging on to me the entire time we were asking simply meaning they were very cold so left them in the house and said I will make sure to come back

Walking for 6 minutes we were there to see another weird pattern of ice but now it was representing a star cotton said the last time they were here it was a Dimond pattern

We found another one but it was representing a crown

We found more after 20 minutes of following we were met with an icy gate there were monsters when following the patterns good thing we ran away from those I wasn't even prepared myslef, again we met an icy gate the coldness got worser and worser, I could keep my self up but I'm pretty sure cotton couldn't the gate opened bu itself leading both of us almost falling I asked them if they were okay they did a small nod we went inside to hear a persons voice "you dare disturb the heart of the mountain!" then we heard shaking and we mostly fell down...


??? Pov :

I can still hear the voice..its getting louder I can't hold myself anymore I need to follow it..


Skiping stuff to make yall mad and i wanna make this fun, this is now a new story now lez go, I will continue this later


Y/n pov :

seeing the snow glitter and seeing Alot of cookies play oh how I wished to be with them but me and Snow berry vult got in trouble for taking the sweets that were for the other cookies, It's boring just sweeping the floor until I had an idea but before I could do anything Snow berry said

"don't do it your gonna get more penalizing."

"but it's boring here my life is not all about sweeping floor!"

"restrain yourself is not like the both of us are gonna stay here forever"

"oh jeez, but it's still boring! I wanna go have fun"

My friend sighs I hear them mumble something but I couldn't hear it clearly

"fine but don't go crying when you get a cold"

I was very happy with their answer while they looked displeased by me they let me go and I could finally play with the others

"good morning!"

I heard someone say but before I could see them I got hit by a snow ball

"hey! Cherry that's rude"

"my bad it was to cold I couldn't hold it!"

I finally wipe out the snow from my eyes to see custard

"oh well it fine whta are you guys up to?"

"were having a snowball fi-"

A giant snowball mostly the biggest one I've ever seen hits cherry

"pompon says catch!"

They throw another snowball smaller this time to me

"oh you wanna challenge me huh?"

"let the snowball fight begin!"

I hear custard say

After a hours of snowball fighting we all got tired when going home I felt my legs worn out I somehow just passed out in the door step

Hours later!.... (> 0v0)> thank you for still reading

I wake to see snow berry mad

"I told you not to get sick!, oh dear looks like you can't go out anytime soon"

"I'm fine I can handle this" then I lelt out a sneeze I wish I was immune to cold...

"well if you can handle it guess I'm leaving"
Snow berry said about to go out of the room

"wait no dooon't goooo I can't handle this all by myself:( "

"what? I thought the little gremlin could handle it, but since you asked nicely I will keep you company"

Dun turun I'm so thankful for all of you guys for 1k I appreciate it so I gave this a long story!

I'm continuing the other one but that's a little to much for this part

First 1k+ word part

By Q

ₜₕᵢₛ ᵢₛ ₛᵤgₐᵣ ᵣᵤₛₕ! /cookie run kingdom x cookie reader//discontinued Where stories live. Discover now