Sub or not? - ʲᵃᵉʰʸᵘⁿ ⚠️

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Request by TheBoyzalover

Jisung has the opinion that he is definitely not a sub and in fact he gets the opportunity to dominate one of his members.


"Ugh I'm not a sub. I am a top. Look, "then the boy turns in a circle in front of his Dream Mebers and proudly shows his body.
"Yes, Jisungie is very cute," says Jaemin and then pinches the boy's cheek. The Dreamies all know that they can turn their Maknae into a submissive boy. They just have to whisper in his ear and the boy will start to tremble.

"Yah Hyung!" Jisung shouts in horror and rubs his cheek.
"Hey what's going on here?" It suddenly comes from the door. When the Dreamies all look to the door they see Taeyong, Johnny and Jaehyun standing there.
"Oh hay Hyungs. What's up?" Asks Mark and greets her.
"We wanted to pick you up. Doyoung plans to cook for us."
"Uii are WayV Hyungs coming too?" Asks Chenle, jumping up and down happily.
"No, I'm sorry. They are on their way to China for a schedule," says Taeyong and runs a hand through the boy's hair when he looks disappointed at the floor.

"It's okay," he replies, but Johnny is immediately there to lighten the mood. "Come on. Whoever is home first can play with my Playstation," calls Johnny and then Chenle, Haechan, Jeno and Jaemin start running. Maybe Johnny will regret that promise, but for now he is happy that they are coming home, because he is already very hungry.
Taeyong just smiles and then walks off with Mark and Renjun.

Jisung is still a bit depressed about the topic earlier and looks at the floor because of it. Jaehyun notices Maknaes' mood and is amazed. Usually Jisung is the first to go when it comes to gambling, so he walks up to the boy and puts an arm and shoulders on him.
"Hey Jisung is everything all right?" He asks and tries to look into Jisung's face, but Jisung just turns away.
"Yes, everything is fine, Hyung," he says and then goes to the others.

Jaehyun of course knows that was a lie and is worried. So he runs after the boy and before the two enter the apartment, Jaehyun takes the boy aside.
"Hey Jisung, I can tell by your eyes that you are lying to me. So tell me what's going on?" He says, taking Jisung's face in one hand and grabbing Jisung's hand with the other.
"I-It's just ..." he starts, but he can't tell. He's a little ashamed to say it in front of his hyung. Especially infront of Jaehyun.

Jaehyun is one of the Tops in the group. He is so dominant and Jisung has to admit that he loves to be dominated by Jaehyun, but he knows that he also has the potential for a TOP.
"What's up, Sungie," Jaehyun says gently, stroking the boy's cheek with his thumb. Jisung could melt away with this voice and these gentle touches.
"I-I want to be a T-Top ..." he finally says quietly and carefully, but Jaehyun understood every word exactly.

At first he didn't know what to say, but when he sees light tears in Jisung's eyes, he can't help it.
"Okay. I'll give you the opportunity to prove to me that you are a TOP, but if I dominate you even once, you will never say anything against being a sub, okay?", Jaehyun asks and lifts Jisung's chin with his finger. Jisung swallows briefly and then nod a little intimidated.

He didn't think he would dominate Jung Jaehyun. He was thinking more of Jaemin or Renjun, but Jaehyun? But Jisung stays strong and tries. He wants to prove himself. He's no longer a little kid.

"Come on then," says Jaehyun and they disappear into Jaehyun's room.
(Pretent that the members all have their own soundproof room)
Jaehyun locks the door and then sits on the bed. He looks at Jisung, who is standing a little unsteadily in the room and nervously looking at the floor.
"Jisung you can start," says Jaehyun in his deep voice, which almost freezes Jisung.

He looks at his hyung and then swallows. Then he goes to his hyung. He slowly undresses himself and Jaehyun and then begins to spread wet kisses on Jaehyun's upper body.
"Mhm ~", Jaehyun mumbles and grabs Jisung's hair. Then Jisung kisses up to Jaehyun's neck and distributes a few love bites and hickeys there until he wanders up to Jaehyun's lips and starts sucking on them. The two offer each other a heated and intimate smooching. Jisung licks Jaehyun's lower lip. Jaehyun understands the sign, but does not allow it, because he wants to know whether Jisung can really be as dominant as he thinks.

Jisung thinks about it briefly while kissing and then grabs Jaehyun's crotch, Jaehyun moans briefly and Jisung lets his tongue slide into Jaehyun's mouth. The two offer themselves a little fight with their tongues, which Jisung unfortunately loses, because Jaehyun knows of course that Jisung is not a TOP and wants to prove this to him. The two break away from each other and Jisung looks a little offended at his Hyung.

"Hyung," Jisung whined, pouting at him. Jaehyun just laughs.
"Just admit it. You're a sub," says Jaehyun in a teasing tone, but Jisung doesn't let that sit on him. He knocks over his hyung and then sits on Jaehyun's step. Jaehyun immediately groans and looks at the boy in shock.
"But not as sub as you thought, huh?" He says and then turns to Jaehyun's step. He takes off his pants so that Jaehyun only is still there in boxers. Jisung can already see a wet stain on Jaehyun's pants. He goes downstairs and licks all over her body.

"Hngh ~" moans Jaehyun.
"Tasty," says Jisung, then takes off the boxers. He sees Jaehyun jumping hard cock towards him. He licks over the top and enjoys moaning his hyung. Then he takes the whole tip in his mouth and licks it like a lollipop until Jaehyun's dominant side shows up again and he pushes the boys down on the head. Jisung tried to fight back first, but he couldn't. He wanted more of Jaehyun's cock. Always more.

Jaehyun noticed this, of course, and just smiles slightly.
"It will be time for me to show you your place," says Jaehyun and then squirts into Jisung's mouth.
"Swallow", orders Jaehyun and Jisung immediately has to whimper and swallow everything down.
When Jisung breaks away from Jaehyun's dick, he gasps for breath.
"H-Hyung... I'm the top," says Jisung, but Jaehyun doesn't give the boy time to talk.

He takes off Jisung's pants, including his boxer, and sits the boy on his lap so that his cock is at Jisung's entrance.
"I'll show you who's the top now, okay baby boy?" Asks Jaehyun in his seductive voice. Jisung can't help but nod.
"Good boy," says Jaehyun and Jisung finally understands.
'I am a sub.'
And then he already feels Jaehyun's big cock in his tight hole, he lets out a painful scream for a moment, but when Jaehyun kisses him and caresses him gently, the pain goes away.
"Y-You could move ... hyung", Jisung groans and the fucking begins.

Jisung is always moving his hips up and down and Jaehyun comes towards him with deep thrusts. Until he finally hits Jisung spot.
"A-Ah Hyung, so good," he groans louder. Jaehyun grins and is getting faster and faster. Jisung gets louder and the sex gets rougher. When both are close to their climax, Jaehyun turns them over so that Jisung lies on his back.
He gives him three more deep pokes and then cums inside the boy while Jisung cums all over his torso.

Then Jaehyun falls looking at Jisung and Jisung almost falls asleep.
"You see, Jisungie, you are and always will be a sub," Jaehyun whispers in the boy's ear before they both fall asleep.

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