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I felt my bed dip with the weight of another person a hand gently rested on my shoulder shaking me out of my uncontiousness. "Tyler, hunny wake up please" the voice of my mother rang through my head. My eyes fluttered open squinting slightly due to sleep haze "its time to go ty" she casted her eyes to the floor. I know she hates it when i have to leave.

Hi, my name is Tyler, I'm 17 years old and i attend an elite boarding school called Soulless Academy and you're probably wondering who the fuck would name a school that?, well all the children whose parents worked at Soulless Inc. attended this school are supernatural,hence the name. Today is my first day back as a junior and i'm not nervous i just hate those stupid fucks. The majority of the school is supernatural,witches, vampires and all that freaky shit. It doesn't bother me really, the population is more supernatural than human. Most of my friends were supernatural, zoe was a witch and her boyfriend was a werewolf, Dan, phil and jaspar are vampires.

I bathed, brushed my teeth and got dressed into my boring uniform consisting of navy blue dress pants white shirt, a tie and blazer. "tyler breakfast is ready dear" my mom called from downstairs.I grabbed my bag off the floor jogging down the stairs into the dining room. "Goodmorning tyler" my father's gruff voice came from the table, he was dressed in an expensive suit with a mornings paper hiding his glasses that was perched on his nose. "goodmorning father" i replied knowing how angry he gets at any sort of disrespect. I am barely ever home but anytime i come back its like everything is more fucked than it was my father and mom argued at every and any thing he'd talk about her encouraging my homosexuality and she'd always defend me. My mom is the only person i care about in this house. She'd had an arranged marriage with my dad but over the years after he got his big job position and started cheating on her she couldn't be bothered to care about him anymore, she seems annoyed of him to an extent and well my sister ciara was a slut there's no explaining that now.I heard she fucked the entire football team in our school but thats just a rumor.

After eating, i grabbed my two duffel bags off the floor mumbling a goodbye to my father going to my car to put my bags in the trunk. 'Tyler hunny im gonnna miss you so much " my moms wraps her arms around me in a strong embrace "don't worry about your dad tyler, he's such an asshole he's lucky I married his stupid ass and took him off the streets" i giggled as i watched her roll her eyes. "Bye mom" i waved from my car "bye ty, tell the suggs I said hi and that weird south african kid that eats the pizza" I laughed at my moms description of Caspar. "Dubai queen" i waved at my mom before speeding out of my drive way.

I heatedly glared at the suggs house wishing they would all hurry their asses considering we're all going to be late if they continue at this pace."Oye tyluh" Joe shouted at me before crashing into my car along with his boyfriend Caspar. Caspar and Joe were soulmates and they were also both vampires. They met back in freshman year and were both scared shitless when they found out they were soulmates considering they were straight but after denying their bond they both suffered and ended up giving into the bond, they made a good couple. I always wondered what it would be like to have a soulmate I bet it was amazing, having someone love you deeply and being their everything. I snapped into reality when Zoe started yelling my name."Why the fuck did you take so long girl i got shit to do you know"I asked playfully yet slightly annoyed. "I'm sorry you know i had to say goodbye to my guinea pigs" she sighed."Well guess what we're all late and right now and I give no fucks", they all burst into laughter, me joining them a while after.

Joe and Caspar had left to find their friends leaving me and Zoe alone. We entered the hall together which was almost empty since we were late, we had just confirmed our rooms from last semester, well more like cabins since the majority of the school were supernatural, special accommodations were made for the supernaturals that needed it. The vampires and werewolves stayed in cabins in the woods, the school board claimed it would be good for hunting but we all know that its actually because vampires and werewolves have a lot of sex. Most of the time i was late in freshman year was because of all of their sexual activities, i had no idea anyone could go so many rounds. I was very fortunate to score a free cabin to my self though.

"ohhh Zoe got that dick" I laughed loudly watching her face turn a dark shade of red at the mention of her and Alfie's relationship. "Shut up tyler people might hear you" she whispered angrily glancing around the room even though there was barely anyone in the room, my laugh got louder when I saw the annoyed look she sent me. My laughter was soon cut off by when i ran into something hard "urghh dude watch where you're going" I sighed annoyed, glancing expecting up to see a stupid jock but what I wasn't expecting to see was a hot, tall boy infront of me. "Hello, my names Troye Sivan " he smiled and I swore my heart stopped beating. He had dark brown hair that was higher than Taylor Swift's sales off 1989, soft, pale cheek bones and eyes more blue than the pacific ocean. My eyes widened at his accent. His blazer hugged his broad shoulders tightly, the cut in the blazer gave me a clear view of his shirt that was two buttons undone with a dark blue tie loosely hanging around his neck that i felt like tugging on. Daymnnnn daddyyy. "Troye with an e" he spoke again breaking me out of my trance "uhh... i ..umm ... hi?" finally breaking our staring competition "i'm Tyler.. Tyler oakley umm sorry for running into you" i said shyly. "Its completely fine" he flashed me a bright smile "so Tyler i'm new here do you mind showing me where the office is ?" he asked still staring at me with that dazzling smile "sure, you just walk straight down where the lockers end and take a right" i flashed him a toothy smile while melting on the inside at how he said my name.Tylah. "Thank you tyler and bye tyler's friend" he turned looking at Zoe who was awestruck by his presence then looking back at me smirking,"see you later shortie" he whispered lowly at the end winking before turning and proceeding towards the office. While i watched his perky ass strut down the hallway. I turned to Zoe, "i'm not okay , i'm not okay, my heart" i clutched at my chest "he is hot as hell i take dibbs" zoe called. "Hell no bitch, he's mine and you have a boyfriend " i exclaimed , while she just laughed. "He has a nice ass though .. damn ty good luck" she grinned "girl i'm definitely gonna need it" I sighed happily. Troye Sivan hmmmm I hope I see him and his fine ass soon.


i was sooo freaking nervous to upload this and im glad i did as you can tell from the first chapter that this is clearly a supernatural troyler fanfic. I decided to do a supernatural fic bc i rarely see troyler fanfiction with like some badass vampires and werewolves and witches and all that supernatural shit. Anyways the pictures from the cover photo is not mine but its from the wonderful world of tumblr, i just made a collage and put filters on each photo. I am a barely a functional member of society and is not capable of creating edits or doing anything.

follow me on twitter and tumblr bc why the hell not @wtf_troyler and troylers-sweetest-bitch.tumblr.com. Shameless self promotion ;)!!

I want to thank my friends trinitie (sobsbctroyler) and sydney (sobbingbcphan) for motivating me to write cool shit and getting me off my lazy ass to edit and stuff love them both <3. Also rachel @thegreenflamingo and cynthia @phanmytilly for inspiring me to write and stuff and their stories are amazing as fuck so check them out . love you guys byeee

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